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All Bible Classes

Displaying 76 - 100 of 2233

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/01/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L13 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Sun Bible Study 2024.09.01_0Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L13.mp3
09/01/24 2 Samuel: Review L13 David Williams 2 Samuel Sun Bible Study 2024.09.01_02_Samuel_David_Williams_L13.mp3
09/01/24 Philippians: Lesson 13 - The Call to be Joyful Phillip Shumake N/A Sun Bible Study Philippians_L13_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L13-Philippians-2024.pptx
08/28/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L12 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Wed Bible Study 2024.08.28_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L12.mp3
08/28/24 2 Samuel: (1 Kings 1-2) David’s Death L12 David Williams 2 Samuel Wed Bible Study 2024.08.28_02_Samuel_David_Williams_L12.mp3
08/28/24 Philippians: (Philippians 4:10-23) A Life of Contentment L12 Phillip Shumake Philippians Bible Class Wed Bible Study Philippians_L12_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L12-Philippians-2024.pptx
08/25/24 2 Samuel: (2 Samuel 23-24) Last Words / Mighty Men / Census L11 David Williams 2 Samuel Sun Bible Study 2024.08.25_02_Samuel_David_Williams_L11.mp3
08/25/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L11 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Sun Bible Study 2024.08.25_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L11.mp3
08/25/24 Philippians: (Phil. 4:1-9) A Life of Peace L11 Phillip Shumake Philippians Bible Class Sun Bible Study Philippians_L11_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L11-Philippians-2024.pptx
08/21/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L10 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Wed Bible Study 2024.08.21_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L10.mp3
08/21/24 Philippians: Theme: The Call to Be Steadfast (Philippians 3) L10 Phillip Shumake Philippians Bible Class Wed Bible Study Philippians_L10_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
08/21/24 2 Samuel: (2 Samuel 21-22) Atonement & Song of Praise L10 David Williams 2 Samuel Wed Bible Study 2024.08.21_2_Samuel_David_Williams_L10.mp3
08/18/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L09 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Sun Bible Study 2024.08.18_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L09.mp3
08/18/24 2 Samuel: (2 Samuel 18-20 Absalom’s Fall) L09 Dave Hamlett 2 Samuel Sun Bible Study 2024.08.18_2_Samuel_Dave_Hamlett_L09.mp3
08/18/24 Philippians: Lesson 9 - A Life of Reaching Forward Phillip Shumake N/A Sun Bible Study Philippians_L09_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L9-Philippians-2024.pptx
08/14/24 2 Samuel: (2 Samuel 15-17) Absalom’s Treason L08 Dave Hamlett 2 Samuel Wed Bible Study 2024.08.14_2_Samuel_Dave_Hamlett_L08.mp3
08/14/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L08 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Wed Bible Study 2024.08.14_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L08.mp3
08/14/24 Philippians: Lesson 8 - A Life of Confidence Anthony Caudill N/A Wed Bible Study Philippians_L08_Anthony_Caudill.mp3 L8-Philippians-2024v2.pptx
08/11/24 Philippians: (Phil Ch. 2) The Call To be United L07 Phillip Shumake N/A Sun Bible Study L7-Philippians-2024.pptx Philippians_L07_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
08/11/24 2 Samuel: (2 Samuel 13-14) Amnon & Tamar L07 Dave Hamlett 2 Samuel Sun Bible Study 2024.08.11_2_Samuel_Dave_Hamlett_L07.mp3
08/11/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L07 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Sun Bible Study 2024.08.11_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L07.mp3
08/07/24 Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth L06 Grant Pickup Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth Wed Bible Study 2024.08.07_Introduction_to_Jesus_of_Nazareth_Grant_Pickup_L06.mp3
08/07/24 Philippians: A Life of Light (Philippians 2:12-30 ) L06 Phillip Shumake Philippians Bible Class Wed Bible Study Philippians_L06_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L6-Philippians-2024.pptx
08/07/24 2 Samuel: (2 Samuel 11-12) David & Bathsheba L06 Dave Hamlett 2 Samuel Wed Bible Study 2024.08.07_2_Samuel_Dave_Hamlett_L06.mp3
08/04/24 2 Samuel: David’s Administration (2 Samuel 8-10 ) L05 David Williams 2 Samuel Sun Bible Study 2024.08.04_2_Samuel_David_Williams_L05.mp3

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