About Us

About Us

What Are We About?

  • Our goal is to practice Christianity as revealed in the examples of the New Testament (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Colossians 3:17).
  • Our desire is to teach others to respect the authority of Jesus Christ to make true disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).
  • Our prayer is that we will do this in a spirit of humility, so that God's name will be glorified (1 Peter 3:15; Ephesians 3:21).

What Can Guests Expect?

  • Bible Classes are taught for all ages, and new topics are covered every 6 weeks. The children's classes introduce students to the major themes, characters and teachings of the Bible. Adult classes are available for new Christians and for those who have been studying the Bible for many years.  Bible classes create a great opportunity to study and discuss God's word with about 30 people per class. 
  • Worship at Embry Hills is both joyful and respectful.  In John chapter 4, Jesus commanded our worship to be offered "in spirit and truth" so we pray, give, sing, teach, and eat the Lord's Supper with faith and gratitude. You are welcome to freely participate in each part of our worship service, and can rest assured that guests are NOT expected to give any money. 
  • At any service, you'll see friends wearing clothes that range from dress suits to casual pants and shirts.  We only desire to dress in a modest way that allows us to demonstrate love and respect for God and others.
  • As a general guideline, Bible classes are about 45 minutes long followed by 15 minutes of worship.  Our Sunday worship services range between an hour to an hour and a half in length.

Who Will Help Me Grow in Christ?

  • If you would like to know more about following Jesus, there are many people at Embry Hills who would be glad to read and study the Bible with you.  We are blessed with a wonderful team of loving volunteers who give their time, energy, and talents to serve God and one another. The New Testament provides a pattern of leadership and cooperation we are committed to following which includes teamwork between Elders, Deacons, Evangelists, Teachers, and all Christians to build up and encourage one another.
  • The New Testament refers to the leaders within a local church with several terms such as: shepherds, elders, and overseers.  To serve in this role a man must demonstrate the maturity and character outlined in Bible passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. At Embry Hills we are thankful to have ten men currently serving as Elders to direct and strengthen the church. These men are: Larry Brown, Anthony Caudill, Barry Caudill, Sam Freesmeyer, Dave Hamlett, Ken Johnston, Russ LaGrone, Blaine Mellor, James Newman, and Stuart Shannon.  They may be contacted at: elders@embryhills.com 
  • We are also blessed to have 25 Deacons serving the local church. These men help with everything from welcoming guests to taking attendance. It would be impossible for us to continue functioning without the significant time and energy the deacons dedicate.
  • The evangelists at Embry Hills are devoted to the study and preaching of God's word in the pulpit, in the classroom, and in one-on-one Bible studies. They work to answer Bible questions and help people more closely follow God's commands. We have four men serving as evangelists at Embry Hills: Sewell Hall, Dustin Merkle, Bill Sanchez, and Phillip Shumake. 
  • Acts 13:1 mentions the excellent teachers who worked with the church at Antioch. Like Antioch, we are blessed to have many knowledgeable and skilled teachers leading classes each week for students from 18 months old and up. This includes our elders, deacons, and evangelists, but also dozens of other members too numerous to name!

Looking for Something Real?

  • We are not a recreation center.
  • We are not a welfare society.
  • We are not a political action committee.
  • We are not a country club.
  • We are a church. And that's all we want to be.

Our single aim is to accomplish the Divine mission laid out for the church in Ephesians 4, where we are told that Jesus Christ has given gifts to individuals in the church, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:12-13).

Come Study and Learn With Us!
We pray you will find the resources available here to be useful to your spiritual growth. We also invite you to come and study God's Word and worship with us. You would be our honored guest!  

  • Sunday 9:00am - Bible Class
  • Sunday 10:00am - Worship
  • Sunday 5:00pm - Worship
  • Wednesday 7:00pm - Bible Class