Sermones Interpretados

Sermones Interpretados

Displaying 476 - 500 of 594

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/12/18 Negación del Yo David Ross N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.08.12_Denial_of_Self_David_Ross_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
08/05/18 Cuando Daniel fue a la Escuela Sewell Hall N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.08.05_When_Daniel_Went_to_School_Sewell_Hall_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
07/22/18 Bendiciones en Cristo Sewell Hall N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.07.22_Blessings_In_Christ_Sewell_Hall_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
07/22/18 El Reino de los Cielos No es Como el Reino de los Hombres Dustin Merkle N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.07.22_The_Kingdom_of_Heaven_is_Not_Like_the_Kingdom_of_Men_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
07/15/18 Compañeros de Trabajo de Dios Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.07.15_Gods_Fellow_Workers_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish_J_Reaves.mp3
06/24/18 El Trono del Cielo Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.06.24_The_Throne_of_Heaven_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_B_Eubanks.mp3
06/24/18 Rechazo de Jesús en Nazaret Brigham Eubanks N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.06.24_Rejection_of_Jesus_at_Nazareth_Brigham_Eubanks_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
06/17/18 David como Padre Dave Hamlett N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.06.17_David_as_a_Father_Dave_Hamlett_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
06/17/18 Jesús Roca de las Familias Sewell Hall N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.06.17_Jesus_Rock_of_Families_Sewell_Hall_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
05/20/18 Construyendo sobre la Roca Robert Harkrider Building on the Rock -The Foundation of Christ Sun AM Worship 2018.05.20_Building_on_The_Rock_Robert_Harkrider_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
05/18/18 Las Bienaventuranzas Roger Polanco Youth Forum 2018 Youth Forum 2019.05.18_The_Beatitudes_Roger_Polanco_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
05/13/18 Quien es tu Cristo Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.05.13_Who_is_Your_Christ_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_J_Reeves.mp3
05/13/18 Las Misericordias del Señor Danny Campbell N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.05.13_The_Lords_Mercies_Danny_Campbell_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
05/06/18 Poder vs Oración Sewell Hall N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.05.06_Power_vs_Prayer_Sewell_Hall_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
05/06/18 Se Gastado Dave Hamlett N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.05.06_Be_Spent_Dave_Hamlett_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
05/02/18 Confianza en la Vida de Jonathan Ben Hall N/A Wed Bible Study 2018.05.02_Trust_in_the_Life_of_Jonathan_Ben_Hall_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
04/29/18 Fracaso en la Cruz Russ LaGrone Lord's Supper Sun AM Worship 2018.04.29_Failure_at_the_Cross_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
04/22/18 Matrimonio Desde el Principio Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.04.22_Marriage_From_The_Beginning_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish_J_Reaves.mp3
04/08/18 La Salvación en la Gracia del Señor Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.04.08_Salvation_in_the_Grace_of_the_Lord_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
04/01/18 ¿Por qué construyó Jesús una iglesia? Russ LaGrone N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.04.01_Why_Did_Jesus_Build_a_Church_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
04/01/18 El Reino Inquebrantable Sewell Hall N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.04.01_The_Unshakeable_Kingdom_Sewell_Hall_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
03/28/18 La Adoración como Forma de Vida Paul Earnhart Understanding the Christian Life Gospel Meeting 2018.03.28_Worship_As_A_Way_Of_Life_Paul_Earnhart_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
03/27/18 El Costo de Seguir al Hijo de Dios Paul Earnhart Understanding the Christian Life Gospel Meeting 2018.03.27_The_Cost_of_Following_God_s_Son_Paul_Earnhart_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
03/26/18 Que Significa Creer en Jesús Paul Earnhart Understanding the Christian Life Gospel Meeting 2018.03.26_What_It_Means_to_Believe_in_Jesus_Paul_Earnhart_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
03/25/18 La Locura del Pecado Paul Earnhart Understanding the Christian Life Sun PM Worship 2018.03.25_The_Insanity_of_Sin_Paul_Earnheart_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3

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