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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/14/19 Fortalecido por los Sufrimientos de Jesús Erik Borlaug Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2019.04.14_Strengthened_by_Jesus_Suffering_Erik_Borlaug_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
04/14/19 María - Madre de Jesús Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2019.04.14_Mary_-_Mother_of_Jesus_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
04/10/19 Prayer: Review L13 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Prayer Wed Bible Study Lesson_13_-_Class_Review.pptx Prayer-Russ_Lagrone_L13.mp3
04/10/19 Jesus in OT Prophecy: Review L13 Grady Walker Bible Class Jesus in OT Prophecy Wed Bible Study 2019.04.10_Jesus_in_OT_Prophecy_Grady_Walker_L13.mp3
04/07/19 Strengthened by God's Blessings Erik Borlaug Sermon Spiritual Strength Sun AM Worship Strengthened_by_Gods_Blessings_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3 Strengthened_by_Gods_Blessings.pdf
04/07/19 Prayer: Praying for Power - L12 Russ LaGrone Sermon Prayer Sun Bible Study Prayer_-_Lesson_12.pptx Prayer-Russ_Lagrone_L12.mp3
04/07/19 Bible History Repeats Itself Glenn Jones Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Bible_History_Repeats_Itself_-_Glen_Jones.mp3 Bible_history_repeats_itself.ppt
04/07/19 Jesus in OT Prophecy: Messiah in Isaiah (53) Part 3 L12 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Jesus in OT Prophecy Sun Bible Study Lesson_12.pptx 2019.04.07_Jesus_in_OT_Prophecy_Mason_Brodwell_L12.mp3
04/07/19 Fortalecido en las Bendiciones de Dios Erik Borlaug Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2019.04.07_Strengthened_by_God_s_Blessings_Erik_Borlaug_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
04/03/19 Jesus in OT Prophecy: Messiah in Isaiah Part 2 L11 Grady Walker Bible Class Jesus in OT Prophecy Wed Bible Study 2019.04.03_Jesus_in_OT_Prophecy_Grady_Walker_L11.mp3
04/03/19 Prayer: Praying to the Sovereign God - L11 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Prayer Wed Bible Study Prayer-Russ_Lagrone_L11.mp3 Prayer_-_Lesson_11.pptx
03/31/19 Remembering Christ Together Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Remember_Christ_Together_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3
03/31/19 Prayer: Praying for Opportunities L10 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Prayer Sun Bible Study Prayer-Russ_Lagrone_L10.mp3 Prayer_-_Lesson_10.pptx
03/31/19 Jesus in OT Prophecy: Messiah in Isaiah Part 1 L10 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Jesus in OT Prophecy Sun Bible Study Lesson_10.pptx 2019.03.31_Jesus_in_OT_Prophecy_Mason_Brodwell_L10.mp3
03/27/19 Christians Reality Bob James Gospel Meeting The Focused Mindset of a Christian Gospel Meeting Christains_Reality_-_Bob_James.mp3 5-Christians_Reality.pptx
03/27/19 Realidad Cristiana Bob James Sermones Interpretados The Focused Mindset of a Christian Gospel Meeting 2019.03.27_Christians_Reality_Bob_James_Spanish.mp3
03/26/19 Things Which Edify One Another Bob James Gospel Meeting The Focused Mindset of a Christian Gospel Meeting Things_Which_Edify_One_Another_-_Bob_James.mp3 4-Edification.pptx
03/26/19 Cosas que se Edifican Mutuamente Bob James Sermones Interpretados The Focused Mindset of a Christian Gospel Meeting 2019.03.26_Things_Which_Edify_One_Another_Bob_James_Spanish.mp3
03/25/19 Three Dimensional Living Bob James Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 3-Three_Dimensional_Living.pptx Three_Dimensional_Living_-_Bob_James.mp3
03/25/19 Vida Tridimensional Bob James Sermones Interpretados The Focused Mindset of a Christian Gospel Meeting 2019.03.25_Three_Dimensional_Living_Bob_James_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
03/24/19 Prayer: Praying for Excellence L09 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Prayer Sun Bible Study Prayer_-_Lesson_9.pptx Prayer-Russ_Lagrone_L09.mp3
03/24/19 A Christian's Worldview Bob James Gospel Meeting The Focused Mindset of a Christian Sun AM Worship 1-A_Christians_Worldview.pptx A_Chrisitan_World-View_Bob_James.mp3
03/24/19 Jesus in OT Prophecy: Messiah in Psalms Part 2 L09 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Jesus in OT Prophecy Sun Bible Study Lesson_9.pptx 2019.03.24_Jesus_in_OT_Prophecy_Mason_Brodwell_L09.mp3
03/24/19 Identity Based Behavior Bob James Gospel Meeting The Focused Mindset of a Christian Sun PM Worship Identity_Based_Behavior_-_Bob_James.mp3 2-Identity_Based_Behavior.pptx
03/24/19 La Cosmovisión de un Cristiano Bob James Sermones Interpretados The Focused Mindset of a Christian Sun AM Worship 2019.03.24_A_Christian_s_Worldview_Bob_James_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3

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