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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/06/08 God in Man's Image Clay Hovater Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Clay_Hovater_20080406p_GodInMansImage-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
04/06/08 The Bible is a Book of - - Russ LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Russ_LaGrone_20080406a_TheBibleIsABookOf---EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/30/08 Work for You Brent Acree Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Brent_Acree_20080330p_WorkForYou-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/30/08 Psalm 1 David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship David_Maxson_20080330a_Psalm1-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/30/08 Trabajo para ti Brent Acree Sermones en Español N/A Sun PM Worship Trabajo_para_ti.mp3
03/28/08 Becoming Mature in Spiritual Awareness Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting Becoming Mature in Spiritual Awareness - Sewell Hall.mp3
03/27/08 Becoming Mature in Odedience Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting Mature in Obedience - Sewell Hall.mp3
03/26/08 Becoming Mature in Unselishness Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting Becoming Mature in Unselfishness - Sewell Hall.mp3
03/25/08 Becoming Mature in Faith Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting Becoming Mature in Faith - Sewell Hall.mp3
03/24/08 Becoming Mature in Self-Determination Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting 3_Sewell_Hall_20080324p_MatureinSelfDetermination-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/23/08 Becoming Like Little Children Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting 1Sewell_Hall_20080323a_BecomingLikeLittleChildren-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/23/08 Becoming Mature in Stability Sewell Hall Sermon No Longer Children Gospel Meeting 2_Sewell_Hall_20080323p_BecomingMatureinStability-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/23/08 Becoming Like Little Children Sewell Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Becoming Like Little Children - Sewell Hall.mp3
03/23/08 Beoming Mature in Stability Sewell Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Becoming Mature in Stability - Sewell Hall.mp3
03/23/08 Haciéndonos como niños pequeños Sewell Hall Sermones en Español N/A Gospel Meeting Haciendonos_como_ninos_pequenos.mp3
03/23/08 Haciéndonos como niños pequeños Sewell Hall Sermones en Español N/A Gospel Meeting
03/16/08 Discipleship 101 Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 4_Berry_Kercheville_20080316_Discipleship101-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/16/08 The Bread of Life Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 5_Berry_Kercheville_20080316p_BreadOfLife-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/15/08 The Work of the Church Pt.1 Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 1_Berry_Kercheville_20080315a_WorkOfTheChurch-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/15/08 The Work of the Church Pt.2 Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 2_Berry_Kercheville_20080315p_WorkOfTheChurch2-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/15/08 Raising Our Level of Commitment Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 3_Berry_Kercheville_20080315p_RaisingOurLevelOfCommitment-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/09/08 Lessons From the Jerusalem Church Marty Broadwell Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Marty_Broadwell_20080309a_LessonsFromTheJerusalemChurch-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/09/08 The Right Attitude Toward Worship Shane Graves Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Shane_Graves_20080309p_RightAttitudeTowardWorship-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/02/08 Preaching Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Sewell_Hall_20080302a_Preaching-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/02/08 Lessons from Naaman Ronnie Collier Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Ronnie_Collier_20080302p_LessonsFromNaaman-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3

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