
Displaying 5501 - 5525 of 7577

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/05/06 David's Work in China David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Maxson_20061105p_Davids_Work_in_China.mp3
10/29/06 Is there Sacrifice in our Christianity? Kevin Clark Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Kevin_Clark_20061029a_How_Good_Is_Your_Christianity.mp3
10/29/06 Keeping the Heart Kevin Clark Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Kevin_Clark_20061029p_Keeping_the_Heart.mp3
10/29/06 ¿Hay sacrificio en nuestro cristianismo? Kevin Clark Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship Hay_sacrificio_en_nuestro_cristianismo.mp3
10/22/06 Gratitude Thaxter Dickey Gospel Meeting The Family as God Willed Gospel Meeting Thaxter_Dickey_20061022p_Family_As_God_Willed-Gratitude-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/22/06 Spiritual Mindedness Thaxter Dickey Gospel Meeting The Family as God Willed Gospel Meeting Thaxter_Dickey_20061022a_Family_As_God_Willed-SpiritualMindednessEmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/21/06 Peace Thaxter Dickey Gospel Meeting The Family as God Willed Gospel Meeting Thaxter_Dickey_20061021p_Family_As_God_Willed-Peace-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/20/06 Industry Thaxter Dickey Gospel Meeting The Family as God Willed Gospel Meeting Thaxter_Dickey_20061020p_Family_As_God_Willed-Industry-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/19/06 Kindness Thaxter Dickey Gospel Meeting The Family as God Willed Gospel Meeting Thaxter_Dickey_20061019p_Family_As_God_Willed-KindnessEmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/18/06 Commitment Thaxter Dickey Gospel Meeting The Family as God Willed Gospel Meeting Thaxter_Dickey_20061018p_Family_As_God_Willed-Commitment-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/15/06 Cleansing of the Leper Danny Campbell Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Danny_Campbell_20061015_Cleansing_of_the_Leper.mp3
10/15/06 Listening to God Larry Brown Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Larry_Brown_20061015a_Listening_to_God.mp3
10/08/06 Satan's Tools David Murphree Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Murphree_20061008_Satans_Tools.mp3
10/08/06 Joy Inexpressable Russ LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Russ_LaGrone_20061008a_Facing_Life_As_a_Christian.mp3
10/01/06 Losing Our Inheritance Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20061001a_Aspiring_to_a_Christian_Life.mp3
10/01/06 The Bible in the Chines Language David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Maxson_20061001p_Bible_in_Chinese_Language.mp3
09/24/06 Rich and Poor (Pt.1) Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060924a_Challenges_to_the_Gospel.mp3
09/24/06 Rich and Poor (Pt. 2) Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060924p_Problems_for_the_Disadvantaged.mp3
09/17/06 Elders & the Eldership Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060917a_Elders__Eldership.mp3
09/17/06 Understand the Will of the Lord Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060917p_Understand_the_Will_of_the_Lord.mp3
09/10/06 From Fear to Faith Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060910a_Dealing_With_Our_Fears.mp3
09/10/06 Overcoming the Power of Sin Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060910p_Sins_of_Mankind.mp3
09/03/06 Nehemiah and Leadership David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Maxson_20060903p_NehemiahLeadership-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
09/03/06 The Chief Shepherd Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060903a_TheChiefShepherd-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
08/27/06 The Work of Deacons Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20060827_Work_of_Deacons.mp3

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