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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/10/89 What Being a Christian is all About Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19891110_What_Being_a_Xn_is_About-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
11/09/89 Can We Know We Are Saved? Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19891109_Can_We_Know_We_Are_Saved-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
11/09/89 Sermon on the Mount Pt.4 Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19891109_Sermon_On_Mount_4-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
11/08/89 Sermon on the Mount Pt.3 Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19891108_Sermon_on_Mount3-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
11/08/89 Who Are God's People? Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19891108_Who_Are_Gods_People-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
11/07/89 The Risen Lord Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart3_19891107_The_Risen_Lord-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
11/07/89 Sermon on the Mount Pt.2 Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19891107_Sermon_on_Mount2-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
11/06/89 The Astonishing Christ Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart2_19891106_The_Astonishing_Christ-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
11/06/89 Sermon on the Mount Pt.1 Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Paul_Earnhart_19911118_Sermon_On_Mount1-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
10/22/89 Would I Preach to These? Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sewell_Hall_19891022_Would_I_Preach_to_These_r024.mp3
10/22/89 Adopted Sons Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Sewell_Hall_19891022a_Adopted_Sons_r023.mp3
10/08/89 Children in Christian Homes Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Sewell_Hall_19891008a_Children_in_Christian_Homes.mp3
10/08/89 Christ, The Rock & Foundation Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sewell_Hall_19891008p_Christ_-_The_Rock__Foundation.mp3
04/23/89 Love's Constraint Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Sewell_Hall_19890423_Loves_Constraint_-_Evangelism.mp3 Sewell_Hall_19881204_Committment.mp3
04/23/89 How to Use the Old Testament Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sewell_Hall_19890423p_How_to_Use_the_Old_Testament.mp3
04/23/89 Cómo usar el Antiguo Testamento Sewell Hall Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship
04/01/89 Sermon on the Mount Pt.1 David West Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship David_West_19890401_Sermon_on_the_Mount1-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
04/01/89 Sermon on the Mount Pt.2 David West Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_West_19890401_Sermon_on_the_Mount2-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
01/15/89 What Kind of Book are You? Paul Griffin Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Paul_Griffin_19890115_What_Kind_of_Book_are_You-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
12/04/88 Church Music Through the Centuries Sewell Hall Bible Class N/A Sun AM Worship Sewell_Hall_19881204_Church_Music_Thru_the_Centuries_r019.mp3
12/04/88 Commitment Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sewell_Hall_19881204_Commitment-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
05/15/88 Repentance Bud Sharp Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Bud_Sharp_19880515_Repentance-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
05/01/88 Searching for Peace Bud Sharp Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Bud_Sharp_19880501_Searching_for_Peace-EmbryHillsAtlanta.mp3
05/01/88 Buscando la paz Bud Sharp Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship Buscando_la_paz.mp3
07/21/85 El establecimiento de la iglesia Ken Green Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship El_establecimiento_de_la_iglesia.mp3

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