
Displaying 5751 - 5775 of 7573

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/31/04 Does God Care? Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20041031_Does_God_Care.mp3
10/31/04 Topics - Hovater-Freesmeyer-Mellor Various Men Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Various_Topics_20041031p_Hovater-Freezmeier-Mellor.mp3
10/24/04 Differences Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Bill_McIlvain_20041024p_Differences.mp3
10/24/04 Jesus & the Resurrection David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship David_Maxson_20041024_Jesus__the_Resurrection.mp3
10/17/04 Social Drinking Pt. 1 Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20041017a_Social_Drinking_pt1.mp3
10/17/04 Social Drinking Pt. 2 David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Maxson_20041017p_Social_Drinking_contd.mp3
10/14/04 Confidence in my Salvation Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 07_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Confidence_In_My_Salvation_10-14-04.mp3
10/13/04 Taking God's Name in Vain Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 06_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Taking_Gods_Name_In_Vain_10-13-04.mp3
10/12/04 Family Priorities Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Family_Priorities_10-12-04.mp3
10/12/04 Am I Sound in the Faith? Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 05_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Am_I_Sound_In_The_Faith_10-12-04.mp3
10/11/04 Putting on the Yoke Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 03_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Putting_On_the_Yoke_10-11-04.mp3
10/10/04 A Heart for Worship Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 00_Steve_Dewhirst_20041010a_AHeartForWorship-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
10/10/04 The Responsibility of Fellowship Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Responsibility_of_Fellowship_10-10-04am.mp3
10/10/04 Who Is a Christian? Steve Dewhirst Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 02_Steve_Dewhirst_-_Who_Is_A_Christian_10-10-04pm.mp3
10/03/04 Tripping Over the Threshold of Canaan Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20041003_Tripping_Over_the_Threshhold_of_Canaan.mp3
10/03/04 Tentmakers in Atlanta David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Maxson_20041003p_Tentmakers_in_Atlanta.mp3
09/26/04 Incentives to do Right Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20040926a_Incentives_to_do_Right.mp3
09/26/04 The Humanity of Jesus Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jim_Jonas_20040926p_The_Humanity_of_Jesus.mp3
09/19/04 The Day of Judgment Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20040919_The_Day_of_Judgement.mp3
09/12/04 Deity of Jesus Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20040912_Deity_of_Jesus.mp3
09/12/04 Bridling Our Emotions Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jim_Jonas_20040912a_Bridling_Our_Emotions.mp3
09/05/04 The Kingdom is Not Food & Drink Jim Jonas Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jim_Jonas_20040905_Kingdom_of_God_Is_Not_Food__Drink.mp3
09/05/04 Remember Lot's Wife David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship David_Maxson_20040905p_Remember_Lots_Wife.mp3
08/29/04 How Should Christians View the Elections? Marty Broadwell Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Marty_Broadwell_20040829_Role_of_Christians__Church_in_Politics.mp3
08/29/04 Dios elige los gobiernos Marty Broadwell Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship Dios_elige_los_gobiernos.mp3

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