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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/22/19 Realidades del Infierno Bill Sanchez Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 20190922_Realities_of_Hell_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_J_Reaves.mp3
09/22/19 Saber Que Tienes Vida Eterna Erik Borlaug Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 20190922_Knowing_You_Have_Eternal_Life_Erik_Borlaug_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
09/22/19 Hebrews L05 Erik Borlaug Bible Class N/A Adult Bible Class Hebrews_L5_-_Erik_Borlaug-1569458066.mp3 EB_Hebrews_L5-1569458065.pptx
09/18/19 Oración Bilingüe L4 Dustin Merkle Clases Bíblicas Prayer Wed Bible Study 20190918_Prayer_Dustin_Merkle_L04_Bi-Lingual.mp3
09/18/19 Matthew Chap 5-7 L04 Sewell Hall Bible Class Matthew Wed Bible Study 2019.09.18_Matthew_L04_Sewell_Hall.mp3
09/18/19 Minor Prophets:Nahum Chap2 L04 Danny Haynes Bible Class Minor Prophets-Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Wed Bible Study 04_Nahum_2_The_Destruction_of_Nineveh.pptx 2019.09.18_Nahum_Chap_2_Danny_Haynes_L04.mp3
09/18/19 Our Sympathetic High Priest Hebrews 4:14-5:10 L04 Erik Borlaug Bible Class Hebrews Wed Bible Study Hebrews_L4_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3 EB_Hebrews_L4up.pptx
09/15/19 Oración Bilingüe L3 Luke Fiser Clases Bíblicas Prayer Sun Bible Study 20190915_Prayer_Luke_Fiser_L03_Bi-Lingual.mp3
09/15/19 Matthew Chap 3-4 L03 Sewell Hall Bible Class Matthew Sun Bible Study 2019.09.15_Matthew_L03_Sewell_Hall.mp3
09/15/19 Minor Prophets:Nahum Chap1 L03 Danny Haynes Bible Class Minor Prophets-Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Sun Bible Study 2019.09.15_Nahum_Chap1_Danny_Haynes_L03.mp3 03_Nahum_1_Gods_Wrath_Against_Nineveh.pptx
09/15/19 Jesus is Superior to Moses Hebrews 3:1-4:13 L03 David Williams Bible Class Hebrews Sun Bible Study Hebrews_L3_-_David_Williams.mp3 EB_Hebrews_L3.pptx
09/15/19 The Unchanging God of Glory Phillip Shumake Sermon To God be the Glory Sun PM Worship 2020-Glory-Lesson1-Update.pptx The_Unchanging_God_of_Glory_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
09/15/19 Singles and Their Church Jeremy DeHut Sermon Singles Sun AM Worship Singles__Their_Churches_-_Jeremy_DeHut.mp3 Embry_Hills_-_Singles_and_Their_Churches.pptx
09/15/19 Solteros en la Iglesia Jeremy DeHut Sermones Interpretados Singles Sun AM Worship 20190915_Singles_in_the_Church_Jeremy_DeHut_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
09/15/19 Gloria a Dios Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 20190915_Glory_to_God-1_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
09/14/19 5 Principles for Singles Jeremy DeHut Bible Class Singles College and Young Adult Embry_Hills_-_5_Principles_for_Singles.pptx 2019-9-14_5_Principles_for_Singles_Jeremy_Dehut_b.mp3
09/13/19 A Fresh Look at Singleness Jeremy DeHut Bible Class Singles College and Young Adult Embry_Hills_-_A_Fresh_Look_at_Singleness.pptx 2019-09-13_A_Fresh_Look_at_Singleness_Jermey_Dehut.mp3
09/11/19 Jesus Greater Than Angels Hebrews 1:4-2:18 0L2 Erik Borlaug Bible Class Hebrews Adult Bible Class Hebrews_L2_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3 EB_Hebrews_L2.pptx
09/11/19 Minor Prophets:Intro Nahum Overview L02 Danny Haynes Bible Class Minor Prophets-Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Wed Bible Study 02_Overview_of_Nahum.pptx 02-Overview_of_Nahum.pdf 2019.09.11_Nahum_Overview_Danny_Haynes_L02.mp3
09/11/19 Oración Bilingüe L2 Luke Fiser Clases Bíblicas Prayer Wed Bible Study 2019.09.11_Prayer_Luke_Fiser_L02_Bi-Lingual.mp3
09/11/19 Matthew Chap 1-2 L02 Ken Johnston Bible Class Matthew Wed Bible Study 2019.09.11_Matthew_L02_Ken_Johnston.mp3
09/08/19 Jesus: The Final Revelation of God Hebrews 1:1-3 0L1 Erik Borlaug Bible Class Hebrews Sun Bible Study EB_Hebrews_L1.pptx Hebrews_L1_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
09/08/19 Instrumental Music Marty Broadwell Sermon Sound Doctrine Sun AM Worship Instrumental_Music_-_Marty_Broadwell.mp3 Instrumental_Music_-_8_Sep_2019.pdf
09/08/19 Oración Bilingüe L1 Luke Fiser Clases Bíblicas Prayer Sun Bible Study 2019.09.08_Prayer_Luke_Fiser_L01_Bi-Lingual.mp3
09/08/19 Minor Prophets:Intro Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah L01 Danny Haynes Bible Class Minor Prophets Sun Bible Study 2019.09.08_Nahum_Hab_Zeph_Danny_Haynes_L01.mp3 01_Introduction_to_Nahum_Zephaniah_Habakkuk.pptx

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