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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/24/19 1&2 Thessalonians: Vindication of the Faithful L09 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Adult Bible Class 1and2_Thessalonians_-_L9_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 thessalonians_2019_pickup_shumake.pdf L9-Thessalonians.pptx
11/20/19 Habit 5: Seek 1st To Understand then to Be Understood L08 Anthony Caudill Bible Class Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families Wed Bible Study 2019.11.20_Seven_Habits_for_Effective_Families_Anthomy_Caudill_L08.mp3
11/20/19 1&2 Thessalonians:Commands that Create Peace in the Church L08 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Wed Bible Study L8-Thessalonians.pptx 1and2_Thessalonians_-_L8-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
11/20/19 Los Milagros de Jesús L8 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Miracles of Jesus Wed Bible Study 2019.11.20_Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L08.mp3
11/20/19 Sermon on the Mount-Good Works in Secret (Matthew 6:1-8) L08 Erik Borlaug Bible Class Sermon on the Mount Wed Bible Study 2019.11.20_Sermon_on_the_Mount_Erik_Borlaug_L08.mp3
11/17/19 El Cristianismo Llena tus Necesidades más Profundas Erik Borlaug Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2019.11.17_Christianity_Fits_Your_Deepest_Needs_Erik_Borlaug_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
11/17/19 Los Milagros de Jesús L7 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Miracles of Jesus Sun Bible Study 2019.11.17_Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L07.mp3
11/17/19 Sermon on the Mount-Attitude toward Enemies L07 Barry Caudill Bible Class Sermon on the Mount Sun Bible Study 2019.11.17_Sermon_on_the_Mount_Barry_Caudill_L07.mp3
11/17/19 Habit 4: Think "Win-Win" L07 Larry Brown Bible Class Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families Sun Bible Study 2019-11-17_Seven_Habits_for_Effective_Families_Larry_Brown_L07c.mp3
11/17/19 God, Glorified in Christ (John 13:31) Bill Sanchez Sermon To God be the Glory Sun PM Worship Nov2020Theme.pptx God_Glorified_in_Christ_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
11/17/19 Christianity Fits Your Deepest Needs Erik Borlaug Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship EB_-_Christianity_Fits_Your_Deepest_Needs.pptx Christianity_Fits_Your_Deepest_Needs_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
11/17/19 1&2 Thessalonians: The Coming of the Lords Jesus L07 Grant Pickup Sermon 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Sun Bible Study 1and2_Thessalonians_-_L7_-_Grant_Pickup.mp3 Thess-Class-Template.pptx
11/13/19 Habit 3: Put First Things First L06 Larry Brown Bible Class Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families Wed Bible Study 2019.11.13_Seven_Habits_for_Effective_Families_Larry_Brown_L06c.mp3
11/13/19 1&2 Thessalonians: Exhortation to Holy Conduct L06 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Wed Bible Study 1and2_Thessalonians_-_L6_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L6-Thessalonians.pptx
11/13/19 Sermon on the Mount-Law and Murder, Adultery, Marriage, and Oaths L06 Barry Caudill Bible Class Sermon on the Mount Wed Bible Study 2019.11.13_Sermon_on_the_Mount_Barry_Caudill_L06.mp3
11/13/19 Who do you have a relationship with? Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Wed Invitation Wed_Inv_-_Sewell_Hall.mp3
11/13/19 Los Milagros de Jesús L6 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Miracles of Jesus Wed Bible Study 20191113_Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L06.mp3
11/10/19 Habit 3: Put First Things First L05 Anthony Caudill Bible Class Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families Sun Bible Study 2019.11.10_Seven_Habits_for_Effective_Families_Anthony_Caudill_L05.mp3
11/10/19 Exodus - The Golden Calf Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Exodus_-_The_Golden_Calf_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
11/10/19 Jesus Loves Me David Tant Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jesus_Loves_Me.ppt Jesus_Loves_Me_-_David_Tant.mp3
11/10/19 Los Milagros de Jesús L5 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Miracles of Jesus Sun Bible Study 20191110_Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L05.mp3
11/10/19 Sermon on the Mount-Law and Murder, Adultery, Marriage, and Oaths L05 Barry Caudill Bible Class Sermon on the Mount Sun Bible Study 2019.11.10_Sermon_on_the_Mount_Barry_Caudill_L05.mp3
11/10/19 1&2 Thessalonians: Re-Establishing Contact L05 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Sun Bible Study L5-Thessalonians.pptx 1and2_Thessalonians_-_L5_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
11/06/19 1&2 Thessalonians: Paul's Ministry in Thessalonica L4 Grant Pickup Bible Class 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Wed Bible Study 1and2_Thessalonians_-_L4_-_Grant_Pickup.mp3 Thessalonians-2019-L04.pptx
11/06/19 Habit 2: Begin with an End in Mind L04 Larry Brown Bible Class Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families Wed Bible Study 11-6-2019-Seven_Habits_for_effective_Families_Larry_Brown_L04.mp3

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