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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/04/23 Job: Introduction L01 Marty Broadwell Bible Class Job Sun Bible Study 2023.06.04_Job_Marty_Broadwell_L01.mp3
06/04/23 Romans: Paul the Missionary A L01 Grant Pickup Bible Class Romans Sun Bible Study 2023.06.04_Romans_Grant_Pickup_L01.mp3
06/04/23 Adoración con cantos L01 bilingüe Ryan Poe Clases Bíblicas Worship in Song Sun Bible Study 2023.06.04_Worship_in_Song_Ryan_Poe_L01_Bi-Lingual.mp3
05/31/23 Leah Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study Leah_-_Gardner_Hall.mp3 Leah_English_sermon.pptx
05/31/23 Lea Gardner Hall Sermones Interpretados N/A Wed Bible Study Leah_Gardner_Hall_Spanish.mp3
05/28/23 The Real Me Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Real_Me_-_Sewell_Hall.mp3 EH_Inner_vs_Outer_Man.pptx
05/28/23 Proclaim the Excellencies of Him Dustin Merkle Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Proclim_the_Excellencies_of_Him_-_Dustin_.mp3 Proclaim_the_Excellencies_of_Him.pptx
05/28/23 Anuncien las virtudes de Aquel Dustin Merkle Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.05.28_Proclaim_the_Excellencies_of_Him_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish.mp3
05/28/23 El verdadero yo Sewell Hall Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.05.28_The_Real_Me_Sewell_Hall_Spanish.mp3
05/28/23 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas L12 David Bermudez Clases Bíblicas 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas Sun Bible Study 2023.05.28_Petro_and_Judas_David_Bermudez_L12.mp3
05/28/23 Exodus 35-40 L13 Danny Campbell Bible Class Exodus Sun Bible Study 2023.05.28_Exodus_Danny_Campbell_L13.mp3
05/28/23 New Testament Survey: Review L13 Dustin Merkle Bible Class NT Survey Sun Bible Study 2023.05.28_NT_Survey_Dustin_Merkle_L13.mp3
05/28/23 The Cross: The Gospel of the Resurrection L13 Bill Sanchez Bible Class The Cross Sun Bible Study The_Gospel_of_the_Resurrection.pptx The_Cross_-_Lesson_13-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
05/24/23 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas L11 David Bermudez Clases Bíblicas 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas Wed Bible Study 2023.05.24_Petro_and_Judas_David_Bermudez_L11.mp3
05/24/23 Exodus 32-34 L12 Chad Carter Bible Class Exodus Wed Bible Study 2023.05.24_Exodus_Chad_Carter_L12.mp3
05/24/23 New Testament Survey: John's Letters (1I, II, III John, Revelation) L12 Dustin Merkle Bible Class NT Survey Wed Bible Study 2023.05.24_NT_Survey_Dustin_Merkle_L12.mp3
05/24/23 The Cross: The Gospel of the cross - in our lives L12 Bill Sanchez Bible Class The Cross Wed Bible Study The_Gospel_of_the_Cross.potx The_Cross_-_Lesson_12-_Bill_Sanchezb.mp3
05/21/23 The Cross: The Cross and Resurrection - in the acts of the Apostles L11 Adam Drumm Bible Class The Cross Sun Bible Study The_Cross_-_Lesson_11_-_Adam_Drumm.mp3 The_Cross_of_Jesus_acts_of_the_Apostles_L11.pptx
05/21/23 Shadows of Satan: Pharaoh Bill Sanchez Sermon Shadows of Satan Sun AM Worship Shadows_of_Satan-Pharaoh.pptx Shadows_of_Satan_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
05/21/23 Refresh & Encourage Phillip Shumake Sermon Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship Refresh__Encourage_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L9-Refresh-Vessels-for-Honor-Final.pptx
05/21/23 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas L10 David Bermudez Clases Bíblicas 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas Sun Bible Study 2023.05.21_Petro_and_Judas_David_Bermudez_L10.mp3
05/21/23 Exodus 28-31 L11 Chad Carter Bible Class Exodus Sun Bible Study 2023.05.21_Exodus_Chad_Carter_L11.mp3
05/21/23 New Testament Survey: General Letters Part 2 (James, I & II Peter, Jude) L11 Dustin Merkle Bible Class NT Survey Sun Bible Study 2023.05.21_NT_Survey_Dustin_Merkle_L11.mp3
05/21/23 Sombras de Satanás: Faraón Bill Sanchez Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship Shadows_of_Satan-Pharaoh.en.es_abbreviated.pptx 2023.05.21_Shadows_of_Satan_Pharaoh_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
05/21/23 Dándonos refrigerio y ánimo unos a otros Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.05.21_Refresh_and_Encourage_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3

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