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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/13/23 Timoteo y Tito L07 Alvaro Matias Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Sun Bible Study 2023.08.13_Timoteo_y_Tito_Ferdy_Matias__L07_Spanish.mp3
08/13/23 Romans: Part D The Problem of Israel (Romans 9:1-11:35) L20 Grant Pickup Bible Class Romans Sun Bible Study 2023.08.13_Romans_Grant_Pickup_L20.mp3
08/12/23 Jesus and the Samaritan Women (John 4) Roger Polanco Sermon Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting Jesus-Samaritan_woman.potx Jesus_and_the_Samaritan_Woman_-_Roger_Palanco.mp3
08/12/23 The New Birth (John 3) Roger Polanco Sermon Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting New_Birth.pptx The_New_Birth_-_Roger_Palanco.mp3
08/12/23 Jesús y la mujer samaritana (Juan 4) Roger Polanco Sermones Interpretados Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting 2023.08.12_Jesus_and_the_Samaritan_Women_Roger_Polanco_Spanish.mp3
08/12/23 El nuevo nacimiento Roger Polanco Sermones Interpretados Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting 2023.08.12_The_New_Birth_Roger_Polanco_Spanish.mp3
08/09/23 James 2:14-26 L06 Phillip Shumake Bible Class James Wed Bible Study New-James-L6.pptx James_2023_Phillip_Shumake_L06.mp3
08/09/23 Timoteo y Tito L06 Ferdy Matías Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Wed Bible Study 2023.08.09_Timoteo_y_Tito_Ferdy_Matias__L06.mp3
08/09/23 Romans: Part D The Problem of Israel (Romans 9:1-11:35) L19 Matt LaGrone Bible Class Romans Wed Bible Study 2023.08.09_Romans_Matt_LaGrone_L19.mp3
08/09/23 Deuteronomy: Civil Laws (Dt 16:18-20:20) L06 Michael Peters Bible Class Deuteronomy Wed Bible Study 2023.08.09_Deuteronomy_L06_Michael_Peters_L06.mp3
08/06/23 James 2:1-13 L05 Larry Brown Bible Class James Sun Bible Study James_Larry_Brown_L05.mp3 5_James_2_1_13_Embry_Hills_08-05-23.pptx
08/06/23 A Light to the Gentiles Bill Sanchez Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship A_Light_to_the_Gentiles_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 A_continued_light_to_the_gentiles.pptx
08/06/23 The Preaching of Jeremiah Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Preaching_of_Jeremiah_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Preaching-of-Jeremiah.pptx
08/06/23 Una luz para los gentiles Bill Sanchez Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.08.06_A_Light_to_the_Gentiles_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
08/06/23 La predicación de Jeremías Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.08.06_Preaching_of_Jeremiah_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/06/23 Deuteronomy: Laws of Worship (Dt 12:1-17:17) L05 Glenn Dobbs Bible Class Deuteronomy Sun Bible Study 2023.08.06_Deuteronomy_Laws_of_Worship_Glenn_Dobbs_L05.mp3
08/06/23 Timoteo y Tito Ferdy Matías Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Sun Bible Study 2023.08.06_Timoteo_y_Tito_Ferdy_Matias_L05.mp3
08/06/23 Romans: Part D The Problem of Israel (Romans 9:1-11:35) L18 Grant Pickup Bible Class Romans Sun Bible Study 2023.08.06_Romans_Grant_Pickup_L18.mp3
08/02/23 James 1:19-27 L04 Phillip Shumake Bible Class James Wed Bible Study New-James-L4.pptx James_2023_Phillip_Shumake_L04.mp3
08/02/23 Romans: part D The Problem of Israel (Romans 9:1-11:35) L17 Matt LaGrone Bible Class Romans Wed Bible Study 2023.08.02_Romans_Matt_LaGrone_L17.mp3
08/02/23 Deuteronomy: History & Exhortations to Obedience (Dt 8:1-11:32) L04 Michael Peters Bible Class Deuteronomy Wed Bible Study 2023.08.02_Deuteronomy_L04_Michael_Peters.mp3
08/02/23 Timoteo y Tito L04 Ferdy Matías Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Wed Bible Study 2023.08.02_Timoteo_y_Tito_Ferdy_Matias_L04.mp3
07/30/23 James 1:13-18 L03 Larry Brown Bible Class James Sun Bible Study 3_James_1_13_18_Embry_Hills_2023_07-27-2023.pptx James_2023_Larry_Brown_L03.mp3
07/30/23 The Longest Day Russ LaGrone Sermon Lord's Supper Sun AM Worship The_Longest_Day_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 The_Longest_Day.pptx
07/30/23 El día más largo Russ LaGrone Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.07.30_The_Longest_Day_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish.mp3

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