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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/30/23 Deuteronomy - Review L12 Glenn Dobbs Bible Class Deuteronomy Wed Bible Study 2023.08.30_Deuteronomy_Glen_Dobbs_L12.mp3
08/27/23 James 5:1-6 L11 Larry Brown Bible Class James Sun Bible Study James_2023_Larry_Brown_L11.mp3 11_James_2023_New-2023_Chap_5_1-6.pptx
08/27/23 The Foreknowledge of God Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Foreknowledge-Final.pptx The_ForeKnowledge_of_God_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
08/27/23 Singing - Fixing Eyes Various Men Singing N/A Sun PM Worship Singing_Fixing_Eyes_Various.mp3
08/27/23 Deuteronomy: Songs, Blessings & Death of Moses (Dt 31:30-34:12) L11 Glenn Dobbs Bible Class Deuteronomy Sun Bible Study 2023.08.27_Deuteronomy_Glenn_Dobbs_L11.mp3
08/27/23 Timoteo y Tito L11 Alvaro Matías Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Sun Bible Study 2023.08.27_Timoteo_y_Tito_Alvaro_Matias_L11_Spanish.mp3
08/27/23 Romans: Part E The Effects of the Gospel (Romans 12:1-15:13) L24 Grant Pickup Bible Class Romans Sun Bible Study 2023.08.27_Romans_Grant_Pickup_L24.mp3
08/27/23 La presciencia de Dios Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.08.27_The_Foreknowledge_of_God_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/23/23 James 4:13-17 Lesson 10 Phillip Shumake Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study James_2023_Phillip_Shumake_L10.mp3 010-New-James-L10.pptx
08/23/23 Timoteo y Tito L10 Alvaro Matías Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Wed Bible Study 2023.08.23_Timoteo_y_Tito_Alvaro_Matias_L10_Spanish.mp3
08/23/23 Romans: Part E The Effects of the Gospel (Romans 12:1-15:13) L23 Grant Pickup Bible Class Romans Wed Bible Study 2023.08.23_Romans_Grant_Pickup_L23.mp3
08/23/23 Deuteronomy: Joshua Commissioned (Dt 31:1-29) L10 Michael Peters Bible Class Deuteronomy Wed Bible Study 2023.08.23_Deuteronomy_Michael_Peters_L10.mp3
08/20/23 Our God is a Consuming Fire Larry Brown Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Our_God_is_a_Consuming_Fire_08.20.2023.pptx Our_God_is_a_Consuming_Fire_-_Larry_Brown.mp3
08/20/23 Continuing in the Things You Have Learned Phillip Shumake Sermon Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship L12-Vessels-Continue.pptx Continuing_in_the_Things_You_Have_Learned_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
08/20/23 Persistiendo en las cosas que hemos aprendido Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.08.20_Continuing_in_the_Things_You_Have_Learned_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/20/23 James 4:1-12 L09 Phillip Shumake Bible Class James Sun Bible Study James_2023_Phillip_Shumake_L09.mp3 09-New-James-L9.pptx
08/20/23 Romans: Part E The Effects of the Gospel (Romans 12:1-15:13) L22 Grant Pickup Bible Class Romans Sun Bible Study 2023.08.20_Romans_Grant_Pickup_L22.mp3
08/20/23 Deuteronomy Blessings and Curses (Dt 27:1-30:20) L09 Glenn Dobbs Bible Class Deuteronomy Sun Bible Study 2023.08.20_Deuteronomy_Glenn_Dobbs_L09.mp3
08/20/23 Timoteo y Tito L09 Alvaro Matias Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Sun Bible Study 2023.08.20_Timoteo_y_Tito_Ferdy_Matias__L09_Spanish.mp3
08/16/23 James Lesson 8 Phillip Shumake Bible Class James Wed Bible Study James_2023_Phillip_Shumake_L08.mp3 08-New-James-L8.pptx
08/16/23 Romans: Part d The Effects of the Gospel (Romans 12:1-15:13) L21 Matt LaGrone Bible Class Romans Wed Bible Study 2023.08.16_Romans_Matt_LaGrone_L21.mp3
08/16/23 Deuteronomy: Social Laws Part 2 (Dt 24:1-26:19) L08 Michael Peters Sermon Deuteronomy Wed Bible Study 2023.08.16_Deuteronomy_L08_Michael_Peters.mp3
08/16/23 Timoteo y Tito L08 Alvaro Matías Clases Bíblicas Timoteo y Tito Wed Bible Study 2023.08.16_Timoteo_y_Tito_Ferdy_Matias__L08_Spanish.mp3
08/13/23 James Lesson 7 Larry Brown Bible Class James Sun Bible Study 7_James_3_1_12_Embry_Hills_08-13-2023.pptx James_2023_Larry_Brown_L07.mp3
08/13/23 Healing in Jesus (John 5) Roger Polanco Sermon Finding Life in Jesus Sun AM Worship Jesus-Paralytic_man_.pptx Jesus_Heals_the_Paralytic_-_Roger_Polanco.mp3

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