All Audio Recordings

All Audio Recordings

Displaying 1826 - 1850 of 7688

Page 1 2 3 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 306 307 308

Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/06/22 Acts 21: Life in a Large Church Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Life_in_a_Large_Church_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Acts21-Final.pptx
02/02/22 Modern Challenges: Q & A L09 Phillip Shumake Bible Class Modern Challenges Wed Bible Study 2022.02.02_Modern_Challenges_Q_and_A_L09_ed.mp3
02/02/22 Gospel of John: John 18:1-32 L22 Bill Sanchez Bible Class John Class Wed Bible Study Gospel_of_John_2022_-_S3L09_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 22_John_18.pptx
02/02/22 Colosenses y Filemón Bilinüe L9 James Newman Clases Bíblicas Colossians and Philemon Wed Bible Study 2022.02.02_Colosenses_y_Filemon_Bi-Lingual_James_Newman_L09.mp3
02/02/22 Kings and Prophets Part 2 L09 Danny Campbell Bible Class Kings and Prophets Wed Bible Study 2022.02.02_Kings_and_Prophets_Part_2_L09_Dasnny_Campbell.mp3
01/30/22 Modern Challenges: Gender Dysphoria L08 Phillip Shumake Sermon Modern Challenges Sun Bible Study Modern_Challenges_2022_-_L8_Gender_Dysphoria.pdf 2022.01.30_Modern_Challenges_Philliop_Shumake_L08_ed_Gender_Dysphoria.mp3
01/30/22 Gospel of John: John 17 L21 Bill Sanchez Bible Class John Class Sun Bible Study Gospel_of_John_2022_-_S3L08_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 21_John_17.pptx
01/30/22 Kings and Prophets Part 2 L08 Danny Campbell Bible Class Kings and Prophets Sun Bible Study 2022.01.30_KIngs_and_Prophets_Part_2_L08_Danny_Campbell.mp3
01/30/22 Colosenses y Filemón Bilingüe L8 James Newman Clases Bíblicas Colossians and Philemon Sun Bible Study 2022.01.30_Colosenses_y_Filemon_Bi-Lingual_James_Newman_L08.mp3
01/30/22 AT EVEN, WHEN THE SUN WAS SET Singing Various Men Singing N/A Sun PM Worship 2022-01-30-At_Eve_Ere_the_Sun_Was_Set_Singing_Mason_Broadwell.mp3
01/30/22 La Entrada Triunfal Bill Sanchez Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship La_Entrada_Triunfal_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
01/30/22 Gospel of John: Chapter 17 Bill Sanchez Bible Class John Class Sun Bible Study John_17.pptx Gospel_of_John_2022_-_S3L08_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
01/30/22 The Triumphal Entry Bill Sanchez Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship The_Triumphal_Entry.pptx The_Triumphal_Entry_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
01/26/22 Modern Challenges: Same-Sex Relationships L07 Phillip Shumake Bible Class Modern Challenges Wed Bible Study Modern_Challenges_2022_-_L7_Same-Sex_Relationships.pdf 2022.01.26_Modern_Challenges_Phillip_Shumake_L07_ed_Same-Sex_Relationships.mp3
01/26/22 Kings and Prophets Part 2 L07 Ken Johnston Bible Class Kings and Prophets Wed Bible Study 2022.01.26_Kings_and_Prophets_Part_2_L07_Ken_Johnston.mp3 2022.01.26_Kings_and_Prophets_Part_2_L07_Ken_Johnson.mp3
01/26/22 Colosenses y Filemón Bilingüe L7 Bill Christian Bible Class Colossians and Philemon Wed Bible Study COLOSSIANS_-_Lesson_7_-_revised_Eubanks.pdf 2022.01.26_Colosenses_y_Filemon_Bi-Lingual_Bill_Christian_L07.mp3
01/23/22 Modern Challenges: Foundations of Sexual Morality L06 Phillip Shumake Bible Class Modern Challenges Sun Bible Study Modern_Challenges_2022_-_L6_Foundations_of_Sexual_Morality.pdf 2022.01.23_Modern_Challenges_Phillip_Shumake_L06_ed_Foundations_of_Sexual_Morality.mp3
01/23/22 Kings and Prophets Part 2 L06 Danny Campbell Bible Class Kings and Prophets Sun Bible Study 2022.01.23_Kings_and_Prophets_Part_2_L06_Danny_Campbell.mp3
01/23/22 Colosenses y Filemón Bilingüe L6 Bill Christian Clases Bíblicas Colossians and Philemon Sun Bible Study 2022.01.23_Colosenses_y_Filemon_Bi-Lingual_Bill_Christian_L06.mp3
01/23/22 Jesus and the Altar Dustin Merkle Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Jesus_and_the_Altar.pptx Jesus_and_the_Altar_-_Dustin_Merkle.mp3
01/23/22 Restoring a Broken Life Russ LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Restoring_A_Broken_Life_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Restoring_a_Broken_Life.pptx
01/19/22 Modern Challenges: Collection and Transmission of Text L05 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Modern Challenges Wed Bible Study Modern_Challenges_2022_-_L5_Collection_and_Transmission_of_Text.pdf 2022.01.19_Modrn_Challenges_Russ_LaGrone_L05_ed_Collection_and_Transmission_of_Text.mp3
01/19/22 Kings and Prophets Part 2 L05 Grant Pickup Bible Class Kings and Prophets Wed Bible Study 2022.01.19_Kings_and_Prophets_Part_2_L05_Grant_Pickup.mp3
01/19/22 Colosenses y Filemón Bilingüe L5 James Newman Clases Bíblicas Colossians and Philemon Wed Bible Study 2022.01.19_Colosenses_y_Filemon_Bi-Lingual_James_Newman_L05.mp3
01/16/22 David Huyendo (1 Samuel 17-23) Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.01.16_David_on_the_Run_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3

Displaying 1826 - 1850 of 7688

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