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All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/13/21 2 Corinthians: Wisdom of God (2 Corinthians 11) L10 Adam Drumm 2 Corinthians Bible Class Thursday Bible Study II_Corinthians_-_Lesson_10_-_11.1-33_5-13-21.pptx 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_10-_Adam_Drumm.mp3
05/12/21 Leviticus: The Priesthood (Leviticus 8-10) L03 Erik Borlaug Leviticus Weekday Morning Bible Study Leviticus_-_Erik_Borlaug_-_L03.mp3 3_The_Priesthood_Leviticus_8-10.pptx
05/10/21 NT Survey: Paul's Epistles during 3rd Journey-Romans 1&2 Corinthians L05 Danny Haynes NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study NT_Survey_2021_Danny_Haynes_L06.mp3 Paul_3rd_Journey_Letters.docx Survey_of_NT_slides_-_2021_-_5a__5b-dh2.ppt Warm_up_Quiz.docx
05/09/21 Joshua: Genocide in the Conquest L09 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L09.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L09.pdf
05/06/21 2 Corinthians: Attitude of a Giver (2 Corinthians 9:1-15) L08 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Thursday Bible Study II_Corinthians_Russ_LaGrone_2021_L08.pdf II_Corinthians_-_Lesson_8_-_9.1-15.pptx 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_8_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
05/05/21 2 Corinthians: Paul’s letter brings godly sorrow, Titus brings good news (2 Corinthians 7) L08 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L08.pdf 2_Corinthians_7.ppt 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_8-_Larry_Brown.mp3
05/05/21 Joshua: Battles with the Canaanites(Joshua 10-11) L08 Luke Fiser Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua_Luke_Fiser_L08.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L08.pdf
05/04/21 NT Survey– Paul’s Writings: Galatians, I and II Thessalonians Lesson 04 Marty Broadwell NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study NT_Survey_slides_-_Lesson_4_-_Gal__Thess_-_charts.pdf NT_Survey_2021_Marty_Broadwell_L05.mp3 NT_Survey_2021_-_Lesson_4_Worksheet_-_for_3_May_2021.pdf Lesson_5_Quiz.PNG Lesson_5_Quiz_Answered.PNG
05/02/21 Issues People Have with Jesus (Examples from Mark) Bill Sanchez N/A Sun PM Worship Issues_people_have_with_Jesus.pptx Issues_People_Have_With_Jesus_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
05/02/21 Joshua: Bargain with the Gibeonites (Joshua 9) L07 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L07.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L07.pdf
05/02/21 2 Corinthians: Be not unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1) Lesson 07 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L07.pdf 2021-05-02-David_Mast_L07.mp3
04/29/21 2 Corinthians: Wisdom of God (2 Corinthians 6:11-7:16) L06 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Thursday Bible Study II_Corinthians_Russ_LaGrone_2021_L06.pdf II_Corinthians_-_Lesson_6_-_6.11_-_7.16.pptx 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_6_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
04/28/21 Leviticus: Mandatory Offerings (Leviticus 4-7) L02 Erik Borlaug Leviticus Weekday Morning Bible Study Leviticus_-_Erik_Borlaug_-_L02.mp3 2_Mandatory_Offerings_Leviticus_4-7.pptx
04/28/21 2 Corinthians: Longing to be at home with God (2 Corinthians 5) L06 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L06.pdf 2021-04-28-Larry_Brown_L06.mp3
04/28/21 Joshua: Achan and Ai (Joshua 7-8) L06 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L06.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L06.pdf
04/26/21 NT Survey: Life of Christ Part 2B L04 Marty Broadwell NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study NT_Survey_-_Gospel_Accounts_-_Lesson_2b_charts.pdf NT_Survey_2021_Marty_Broadwell_L04.mp3 NT_Survey_2021_-_Lessons_2_and_3_-_Worksheet-1619660702.pdf
04/25/21 2 Corinthians: “I Faint Not” (2 Corinthians 4:1 - 18) L05 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L05.pdf 2021-04-25-Larry_Brown_L05.mp3
04/25/21 Joshua: Topic: The Conquest in Archaeology (Joshua 6) L05 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L05.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L05.pdf
04/22/21 2 Corinthians: Glory of God in Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4:1-5:10) L04 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Weekday Evening Bible Study II_Corinthians_-_Lesson_4_-_4.7_-_5.10.pptx 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_4_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
04/21/21 2 Corinthians 3 - (2 CORINTHIANS 3: 1 - 18) Lesson 4 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 05_2_Corinthians_3.ppt 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_4_-_Larry_Brown.mp3
04/21/21 Joshua: Spiritual Preparations for the Conquest (Joshua 5) L04 Luke Fiser Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua_Luke_Fiser_L04.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L04.pdf
04/19/21 NT Survey: Acts L03 Ryan Poe NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study NT_Survey_-_Lesson_3_Slides_-_Acts_1.ppt NT_Survey_2021_Ryan_Poe_L03.mp3
04/18/21 Jesus is Coming Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship Jesus_Is_Coming_Back-MAIN_OFFICE.pptx Jesus_is_Coming_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
04/18/21 2 Corinthians -Forgive the Penitent Sinner We Triumph in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:4-17) Lesson 3 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L03.pdf 2021-04-18-Larry_Brown_L03.mp3
04/18/21 Joshua: Military Preparations for the Conquest (Joshua 2-4) L03 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L03.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L03.pdf

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