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All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/06/20 Luke: Parable of Unjust Steward, Law & Prophets, Divorce & Remarriage, Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:1-31) L10 Sewell Hall Luke Sun Bible Study Luke_Sewell_Hall_L10.mp3 Luke-2020-L10.pdf
09/06/20 Romans: We are a Living and Holy Sacrifice (Romans 12) L10 Andrew Hall Romans Sun Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L10.pdf Romans_Andrew_Hall_L10.mp3 Romans-2020_L10.pdf
08/31/20 Judges: Very Disturbing-Crime and Civil War (Judges 19-21) Marty Broadwell Judges Weekday Evening Bible Study Judges_Marty_Broadwell_L07.mp3 Judges_Class_L07.pptx
08/30/20 Luke: The Great Supper, Counting the Cost, Parables of Lost Things (Luke 14:15 – 15:32) L09 Sewell Hall Luke Sun Bible Study Luke-2020-L09.pdf Luke_Sewell_Hall_L09.mp3
08/30/20 Minor Prophets: Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi- Zechariah 12-14: The Two Burdens: Part 2 L09 Erik Borlaug Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Sun Bible Study Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi__Erik_Borlaug_L09.mp3 Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi_Aug-20_L08-L09.pdf
08/30/20 Romans: The Rejection Warranted But Not Final (Romans 10) L09 David Mast Romans Sun Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L09.pdf Romans_David_Mast_L09.mp3 Romans-2020_L09.pdf
08/26/20 Luke: Galileans slain by Pilate, Woman healed on Sabbath, Question whether few are saved, Reply to Herod, Discourse at Pharisee's table (Luke 13:1-14:14) L08 Sewell Hall Luke Wed Bible Study Luke_Sewell_Hall_L08.mp3 Luke-2020-L08.pdf
08/26/20 Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Zechariah 7-11: The Two Burdens: Part 1 L08 Erik Borlaug Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Wed Bible Study Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi__Erik_Borlaug_L08.mp3 Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi_Aug-20_L08-L09.pdf
08/26/20 Romans: The Rejection of the Jews (Romans 9:1-18) L08 David Mast Romans Wed Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L08.pdf Romans_David_Mast_L08.mp3 Romans-2020_L08.pdf
08/24/20 Judges: Very Disturbing-Micah and the Danites (Judges 17-18) L06 Marty Broadwell Judges Weekday Evening Bible Study Judges_Marty_Broadwell_L06.mp3 Judges_Class_L06.pptx
08/23/20 Luke: Discourse on Prayer, Against the Pharisees, The Rich Fool (Luke 11:1-13, 27-32; 12:13-21) L07 Sewell Hall Luke Sun Bible Study Luke_Sewell_Hall_L07.mp3 Luke-2020-L07.pdf
08/23/20 Romans: The Blessed State and Hope of the Christian (Romans 8:1-32) L07 David Mast Romans Sun Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L07.pdf Romans_David_Mast_L07.mp3 Romans-2020_L07.pdf
08/19/20 Minor Prophets: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi - Zechariah 3-4: Visions 4-5 L06 Erik Borlaug Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Wed Bible Study Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi__Erik_Borlaug_L06.mp3 Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi_Aug-20_L06.pdf
08/19/20 Romans: The Law (Romans 7:1-25) L06 Andrew Hall Romans Wed Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L06.pdf Romans_Andrew_Hall_L06.mp3 Romans-2020_L06.pdf
08/19/20 Luke: Mission of the Seventy, Good Samaritan, Martha & Mary (Luke 10:1-42) L06 Sewell Hall Luke Wed Bible Study Luke_Sewell_Hall_L06.mp3 Luke-2020-L06.pdf
08/17/20 Judges: Samson the Judge who got Worse (Judges 13-16) L05 Marty Broadwell Judges Weekday Evening Bible Study Judges_Marty_Broadwell_L05.mp3 Judges_Class_L05.pptx
08/16/20 Minor Prophets: Haggai Zechariah Malachi-Zechariah 1-2: Visions 1-3 L05 Sam Freesmeyer Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Sun Bible Study Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi__Sam_Freesmeyer_L05.mp3 Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi_Aug-20_L05.pdf
08/16/20 Luke: In Galilee (Luke5:1-11; 7:1-17; 8:1-3; 9:51-56) L05 Barry Caudill Luke Sun Bible Study Luke_Barry_Caudill_L05.mp3 Luke-2020-L05.pdf
08/16/20 Romans: Dead to Sin, Alive to God (Romans 5:12-6:23) L05 Andrew Hall Romans Sun Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L05.pdf Romans_Andrew_Hall_L05.mp3 Romans-2020_L05.pdf
08/12/20 Romans: Examples of Justification (Romans 4:1-5:11) L04 Andrew Hall Romans Wed Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L04.pdf Romans_Andrew_Hall_L04.mp3 Romans-2020_L04.pdf
08/12/20 Luke: Ministry of John, Genealogy, Visit to Nazareth (Luke 3:1-19, 23-38; 4:16-30) L04 Barry Caudill Luke Wed Bible Study Luke_Barry_Caudill_L04.mp3 Luke-2020-L04.pdf
08/12/20 Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi: Intro Zechariah L04 Erik Borlaug Minor Prophets-Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Wed Bible Study Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi__Erik_Borlaug_L04.mp3 Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi_Aug-20_L04.pdf
08/10/20 Judges: Not so Good (Judges 10-12) L04 Marty Broadwell Judges Weekday Evening Bible Study Judges_Marty_Broadwell_L04.mp3 Judges_Class_L04.pptx
08/09/20 Zachariah: On That Day (Zachariah 12-14) Erik Borlaug Zachariah Sun PM Worship EB_6PM_Service_-_On_That_Day_Zechariah_12-14.pptx Zechariah_12-14_Jerusalem_vs_Nations_Erik_Borlaug.mp3
08/09/20 Romans: The Whole World is Guilty (Romans 3:1-20) L03 David Mast Romans Sun Bible Study RomansSupplement-2020_L03.pdf Romans_David_Mast_L03.mp3 Romans-2020_L03.pdf

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