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All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/26/20 Proverbs: The Woman of Wisdom (Proverbs Ch. 31b) L13 Jake Gibson Proverbs Sun Bible Study Proverbs_L13_Jake_Gibson.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_13.pdf
07/26/20 Adversity and Tragedy: Hope, the Ultimate Answer L13 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Sun Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L13.pdf Adversity_L13_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/26/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: ALPHA & OMEGA L13 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Sun Bible Study Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L10.pdf 2020.07.26_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L13.mp3
07/22/20 Accepting Adversity and Tragedy: Accepting No as an Answer L12 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Wed Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L12.pdf Adversity_L12_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/22/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: FATHER, SON & SPIRIT L12 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Wed Bible Study 2020.07.22_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L12.mp3 Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L09.pdf
07/22/20 Proverbs: Collections- Hezekiah, Agur, & Lemuel (Proverbs Ch. 25-31a) L12 Phillip Shumake Proverbs Wed Bible Study Proverbs_L12_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_12.pdf
07/20/20 Judges: Introduction (Judges 1:1-3:6) L01 Marty Broadwell Judges Weekday Evening Bible Study Judges_Marty_Broadwell_L01.mp3 Judges_Class_L01.pptx
07/19/20 Adversity and Tragedy: When and How to Pray L11 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Sun Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L11.pdf Adversity_L11_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/19/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: GOD WITH US L11 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Sun Bible Study Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L08-1595286074.pdf 2020.07.19_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L11.mp3
07/19/20 Proverbs: Collections Words of the Wise (Proverbs 22-24) L11 Jake Gibson Proverbs Sun Bible Study Proverbs_L11_Jake_Gibson.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_11.pdf
07/15/20 Adversity and Tragedy: Accepting God’s Plan L10 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Wed Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L10.pdf Adversity_L10_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/15/20 Proverbs: Wisdom & Our Relationships (Proverbs 10-22) L10 Jake Gibson Proverbs Wed Bible Study Proverbs_L10_Jake_Gibson.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_10.pdf
07/15/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: GOD WITH US L10 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Wed Bible Study Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L08.pdf 2020.07.12_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L10.mp3
07/12/20 Proverbs: Wisdom & Our Speech (Proverbs 10-22) L09 Jake Gibson Proverbs Sun Bible Study Proverbs_L09_Jake_Gibson.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_9.pdf
07/12/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: THE GOD OF ISRAEL L09 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Sun Bible Study Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L07.pdf 2020.07.12_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L09.mp3
07/12/20 Adversity and Tragedy: Biblical Examples, Value of Trials L09 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Sun Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L09.pdf Adversity_L09_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/08/20 Proverbs: Wisdom & Our Wealth (Proverbs 10-22) L08 Phillip Shumake Proverbs Wed Bible Study Proverbs_L08_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_8.pdf
07/08/20 Adversity and Tragedy:Paradox of Pain and Accepting God’s Answers L08 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Wed Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L08.pdf Adversity_L08_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/08/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: HOW LONG, O LORD? L08 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Wed Bible Study Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L06.pdf 2020.07.08_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L08.mp3
07/06/20 Church of Ephesus: Letter to 7 Churches in Revelation 2-L06 Sewell Hall The Church of Ephesus Weekday Evening Bible Study History_of_the_church_at_Ephesus_Sewell_Hall_L06.mp3
07/05/20 Adversity and Tragedy: Biblical Examples and Related Spiritual Dangers L07 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Sun Bible Study Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L07.pdf Adversity_L07_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
07/05/20 Proverbs: Wisdom & Our Work (Proverbs 10-22) L07 Jake Gibson Proverbs Sun Bible Study Proverbs_L07_Jake_Gibson.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_7.pdf
07/05/20 Lord of Heaven and Earth: THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD Part 2L07 Grant Pickup Lord of Heaven and Earth Sun Bible Study 2020.07.05_Lord_of_Heaven_and_Earth_Grant_Pickup_L07.mp3 Lord_of_Heaven__Earth_2020_L05-1594051387.pdf
07/01/20 Adversity and Tragedy: Large Scale Tragedies L06 Andrew Hall Adversity and Tragedy Wed Bible Study Adversity_L06_Andrew_Hall.mp3 Adversity__Tragedy_2020_L06.pdf
07/01/20 Proverbs: Heart of the Fool (Proverbs 10-22) L06 Jake Gibson Proverbs Wed Bible Study Proverbs_L06_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Exploring_Proverbs_2020_Lesson_6.pdf

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