All Bible Classes

All Bible Classes

Displaying 1251 - 1275 of 2287

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/07/20 Miracles of Jesus: The Death of Lazarus (John 11) L06 Bill Sanchez Miracles of Jesus Weekday Evening Bible Study Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill-Sanchez_L06.mp3
05/06/20 Improving Prayer Life Reverence and Boldness L06 Phillip Shumake Improving Our Prayer Life Weekday Evening Bible Study L06_Reverence_and_Boldness.JPG Improving_Our_Prayer_Life_Phillip_Shumake_L06.mp3
05/06/20 Psalm 23: Goodness and Mercy Follow Me Erik Borlaug Psalms Wed Bible Study Goodness_and_Mercy_Follow_Me_-_Erik_Borlaug.mp3 EB_-_Goodness__Mercy_Follow_Me_Psalm_23_AM.pptx
05/04/20 Christian World View: Science and Technology L06 Marty Broadwell The Christian World View Weekday Evening Bible Study World_View_Lessons_-_April_2020-Lesson_8.pdf Christian_World_View_Lesson_06__Science_and_Technology.pptx 2020.05.04_Christian_World_View_Lesson_06__Science_and_Technology_Marty_Broadwell.mp3
05/01/20 Psalms: Psalm 91 L05 Erik Borlaug Psalms Weekday Evening Bible Study Psalms-_Psalm91_Erik_Borlaug_L05.mp3
04/30/20 Miracles of Jesus: Jesus Heals Man Blind from Birth (John 9) L05 Bill Sanchez Miracles of Jesus Weekday Evening Bible Study Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill-Sanchez_L05.mp3
04/29/20 Psalms 23: Your Road & Staff Comfort Me Erik Borlaug Psalms Wed Bible Study 4-29-2020_Activity_Sheets.pdf Psalm_23_Your_Rod_and_Staff_Comfort_Me_Erik_Borlaug.mp3 EB_-_Your_Rod__Staff_Comfort_Me_Psalm_23.pptx
04/28/20 Prayer Obedience and Dependence L05 Phillip Shumake Improving Our Prayer Life Weekday Evening Bible Study L05_Obedience_and_Dependence.JPG Improving_Our_Prayer_Life_Phillip_Shumake_L05.mp3
04/27/20 Christian World View: Human Authority and Government L05 Marty Broadwell The Christian World View Weekday Evening Bible Study World_View_Lessons_-_April_2020-Lesson_5.pdf Christian_World_View_Lesson_05__Human_Authority_and_Government.pptx 2020.04.27_Christian_World_View_Lesson_05__Human_Authority_and_Government_Marty_Broadwell.mp3
04/24/20 Psalms: Psalm 84 L04 Erik Borlaug Psalms Weekday Evening Bible Study Psalms-_Psalm84__Erik_Borlaug_L04.mp3
04/23/20 Miracles of Jesus: Feeding the 5000 (John 6) L04 Bill Sanchez Miracles of Jesus Weekday Evening Bible Study Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill-Sanchez_L04.mp3
04/21/20 Prayer: Humility and Living Faith L04 Phillip Shumake Improving Our Prayer Life Weekday Evening Bible Study L04_Humility_and_Living_Faith.JPG Improving_Our_Prayer_Life_Phillip_Shumake_L04.mp3
04/20/20 Christian World View: Moral Right and Wrong L04 Marty Broadwell The Christian World View Weekday Evening Bible Study Christian_World_View_Lesson_04__Moral_Right_and_Wrong.pptx World_View_Lessons_-_April_2020-Lesson_4.pdf 2020.04.20_Christian_World_View_Lesson_04__Moral_Right_and_Wrong_Marty_Broadwell.mp3
04/17/20 Psalms: Psalm 49 L03 Erik Borlaug Psalms Weekday Evening Bible Study Psalms-_Psalm49__Erik_Borlaug_L03.mp3
04/16/20 Miracles of Jesus: A Man Healed at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-17) L03 Bill Sanchez Miracles of Jesus Weekday Evening Bible Study Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill-Sanchez_L03.mp3
04/15/20 Psalms 23: He Leads Me in Paths of Righteousness Erik Borlaug Psalms Wed Bible Study 4-15-2020_Activity_Sheets.pdf Psalm_23_-_He_Leads_Me_in_Paths_of_Righteousness_Erik_Borlaug.mp3 EB_-_He_Leads_Me_in_Paths_of_Righteousness_Psalm_23_AM.pptx
04/14/20 Praying Big Prayers L03 Phillip Shumake Improving Our Prayer Life Weekday Evening Bible Study Praying_Big_Prayers-NKJV.pptx Improving_Our_Prayer_Life_Phillip_Shumake_L03.mp3
04/13/20 Christian World View: Man and the Supernatural L03 Marty Broadwell The Christian World View Weekday Evening Bible Study World_View_Lessons_-_April_2020-Lesson_3.pdf 2020.04.13_Christian_World_View_Lesson_03__Man_and_the_Supernatural_Marty_Broadwell.mp3 Christian_World_View_Lesson_03__Man_and_the_Supernatural.pptx
04/11/20 Evangelism in a Time of Social Distancing Dave Hamlett Evangelism Workshop Evangelism_in_a_Time_of_Social_Distancing_David_Hamlett.mp3
04/10/20 Psalms: Psalm 11 L02 Erik Borlaug Psalms Weekday Evening Bible Study Psalms-_Psalm11__Lesson_02.pptx Psalms-_Psalm11__Erik_Borlaug_L02.mp3
04/09/20 Miracles of Jesus: Where Jesus Transformed Water to Wine (John 2) L02 Bill Sanchez Miracles of Jesus Weekday Evening Bible Study Miracles_of_Jesus_Bill-Sanchez_L02.mp3
04/08/20 Psalm 23 - He Restores My Soul Erik Borlaug Psalms Wed Bible Study Psalm_23_-_He_Restores_My_Soul.mp3 EB_-_He_Restores_My_Soul_Psalm_23.pptx
04/07/20 Praying Diligently L02 Phillip Shumake Improving Our Prayer Life Weekday Evening Bible Study Praying_Diligently-NKJV.pptx Improving_Our_Prayer_Life_Phillip_Shumake_L02.mp3
04/06/20 Christian World View: Truth and Knowledge L02 Marty Broadwell The Christian World View Weekday Evening Bible Study World_View_Lessons_-_April_2020-Lesson_2.pdf Christian_World_View_Lesson_02__Truth_and_Knowledge.pptx 2020.04.06_Christian_World_View_Lesson_02__Truth_and_Knowledge_Marty_Broadwell.mp3
04/03/20 Psalms: Psalm 1 L01 Erik Borlaug Psalms Weekday Evening Bible Study Psalms-_Psalm1__Erik_Borlaug_L01.mp3 Psalms-_Psalm1__Lesson_01.pptx

Displaying 1251 - 1275 of 2287

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