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All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/18/18 2 Corinthians Chap 6 L7 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L7.mp3 2_Corinthians_6.ppt
03/14/18 2 Corinthians Chap 5 L6 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L6.mp3 2_Corinthians_5.ppt
03/11/18 2 Corinthians Chap 4 L5 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L5.mp3 2_Corinthians_4.ppt
03/10/18 Paul and Epistles to Timothy and Titus Bill Hall Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Adult Bible Class Paul_and_His_Epistles-L5.mp3
03/10/18 Paul's Arrest and Prison Epistles Bill Hall Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Adult Bible Class Paul_and_His_Epistles-L4.mp3
03/10/18 Return to Jerusalem and 2 Corinthians L3 Bill Hall Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Adult Bible Class Paul_and_His_Epistles-L3.mp3
03/09/18 Paul's 3rd Journey and 1 Corinthians L2 Bill Hall Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Adult Bible Class Paul_and_His_Epistles-L2.mp3
03/09/18 Paul's Early Life and 1st & 2nd Thessalonians L1 Bill Hall Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Adult Bible Class Paul_and_His_Epistles-L1.mp3
03/07/18 2 Corinthians Chap 3 L4 David Mast 2 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study MAST_2_Corinthians_3.ppt 2_Corinthians_David_Mast_L4.mp3
03/04/18 2 Corinthians Chap 2 L3 David Mast 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study MAST_2_Corinthians_2.ppt 2_Corinthians_David_Mast_L3.mp3
02/28/18 2 Corinthians Chap 1-2 L2 David Mast 2 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study MAST_2_Corinthians_1_12_-_2_4.ppt 2_Corinthians_David_Mast_L2.mp3
02/25/18 2 Corinthians Introduction L1 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Intro_1_1-11.ppt 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L1.mp3
02/21/18 Answering Questions about How We Got the Bible L13 Various Men How We Got the Bible Wed Bible Study 2018.02.21_How_We_Got_the_Bible_Review_L13_Various.mp3 13_Answering_Questions_About_The_Bible-2018.pptx
02/21/18 Upward Purpose of the Church Part 2 L13 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Wed Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_-_Lesson_13Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Lesson_13_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
02/18/18 Comparison of English Versions of Bibles L12 Danny Haynes How We Got the Bible Sun Bible Study 2018.02.18_How_We_Got_the_Bible_L12_Danny_Haynes.mp3 12_Comparison_of_English_Versions_of_the_Bible.pptx
02/18/18 Upward Purpose of the Church Part 1 L12 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Sun Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_-_Lesson_12_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Lesson_12_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
02/14/18 Outward Purpose of the Church L11 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Wed Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_-_Lesson_11_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Lesson_11_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
02/14/18 How the Bible came to Modern English L11 Danny Haynes How We Got the Bible Wed Bible Study 2018.02.14_How_the_Bible_came_to_Modern_English_L11.mp3 11_How_the_Bible_came_to_Modern_English.pptx
02/11/18 Old Testament Manuscripts and Modern Evidence L7 Danny Haynes How We Got the Bible Sun Bible Study 2018.02.11_The_Old_Testament_Manuscripts_and_Modern_Evidence_Danny_Haynes_L7.mp3 07_Old_Testament_Manuscripts_and_Modern_Evidence.pptx
02/11/18 Inward Purpose - When Things Go Wrong-L10 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Sun Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_-_Lesson_10_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Lesson_10_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
02/07/18 How the Bible came to the "Common Tongue" L10 Sam Freesmeyer How We Got the Bible Wed Bible Study 2018.02.07_How_the_Bible_came_to_Modern_English_Sam_Freesmeyer.mp3 10_-_How_the_Bible_came_to_the_Common_Tongue.pptx
02/07/18 Inward Purpose - Relationship & Needs L9 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Wed Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_-_Lesson_9_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Lesson_9_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
02/04/18 Apocryphal & Pseudepigrapha books L9 Sam Freesmeyer How We Got the Bible Sun Bible Study 2018.02.04_How_We_Got_the_Bible_L9_Sam_Freesmeyer.mp3 09_-_The_Apocrypha_and_Pseudepigrapha.pptx
02/04/18 Inward Purpose Building Up One Another L8 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Sun Bible Study Lesson_8_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx What_is_the_church_of_Christ_-_Lesson_8_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
01/31/18 The Canon of the Old Testament L8 Sam Freesmeyer How We Got the Bible Wed Bible Study 2018.01.31_How_We_Got_the_Bible_L8_Sam_Freesmeyer.mp3 08_-_The_Canon_of_the_Old_Testament.pptx

Displaying 1726 - 1750 of 2287

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