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All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/19/21 NT Survey: Acts L03 Ryan Poe NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study NT_Survey_-_Lesson_3_Slides_-_Acts_1.ppt NT_Survey_2021_Ryan_Poe_L03.mp3
04/18/21 2 Corinthians: (II Corinthians 3:1-4:6) A Ministry for God’s Glory L03 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study II_Corinthians_Russ_LaGrone_2021_L03.pdf 2_Corinthians_Russ_LaGrone_L03.mp3
04/18/21 Joshua: Military Preparations for the Conquest (Joshua 2-4) L03 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L03.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L03.pdf
04/18/21 2 Corinthians -Forgive the Penitent Sinner We Triumph in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:4-17) Lesson 3 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L03.pdf 2021-04-18-Larry_Brown_L03.mp3
04/18/21 Jesus is Coming Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship Jesus_is_Coming_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Jesus_Is_Coming_Back-MAIN_OFFICE.pptx
04/17/21 Youth Forum 2021: Filtering out the False Prophets Joshua Carter Youth Forum 2021 Youth Forum Youth_Forum2021_Josh_Carter-03.mp3 EHYF_-_Filtering_out_the_False_Prophets.pptx
04/17/21 Youth Forum 2021: Finding Answers in The Followers of Christ Phillip Shumake Youth Forum 2021 Youth Forum Youth-Forum-Lesson2.pptx Youth_Forum2021_Phillip_Shumake-02a.mp3
04/17/21 Youth Forum 2021: Answering the Questions Google Can't Joshua Carter Youth Forum 2021 Youth Forum EHYF_-_Answering_the_Questions_Google_Cant.pptx Youth_Forum2021_Josh_Carter-01.mp3
04/15/21 2 Corinthians: The Triumph of Sincerity (II Corinthians 1:12 - 2:13) L02 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Weekday Evening Bible Study II_Corinthians_-_Lesson_2_-_1.12_-_2.17.pptx 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_2_-_Russ_Lagrone.mp3
04/14/21 Joshua: The Character of Joshua (Joshua 1) L02 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L02.mp3 Joshua_Lessons_L02.pdf
04/14/21 2 Corinthians -Why Paul Changed his plans (2 Corinthians 1:12 - 2:4) Lesson 2 Larry Brown N/A Adult Bible Class 2_Corinthians_1_12_-_2_4.ppt 2_Corinthians_-_Lesson_2_-_Larry_Brown.mp3
04/14/21 Leviticus: Freewill Offering (Leviticus 1-3) L01 Erik Borlaug Leviticus Weekday Morning Bible Study Leviticus_-_Erik_Borlaug_-_L01.mp3 1_Freewill_Offerings_Leviticus_1-3.pptx
04/12/21 NT Survey: Life of Christ L02 Marty Broadwell NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study NT_Survey_slides_-_Lesson_2a_-_Life_of_Christ_-_charts_1.pdf NT_Survey_2021_Marty_Broadwell_L02.mp3 NT_Survey_2021_-_Lessons_2_and_3_-_Worksheet.pdf
04/11/21 2 Corinthians: Intro and Gratitude for God’s Comfort Deliverance from Affliction(2 Corinthians 1:1-11) L01 Larry Brown 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2021-04-11-2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_L01.mp3 2_Corinthians_Larry_Brown_Intro_and_L01.pdf
04/11/21 2 Corinthians: Introduction (2 Corinthians 1:1-11) L01 Russ LaGrone 2 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study II_Corinthians_Russ_LaGrone_2021_L01.pdf 2_Corinthians_Russ_LaGrone_L01.mp3
04/05/21 NT Survey Bonus: Day by Day Hymn John David Trimble NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study Hymn_Text_and_Questions_-_Day_by_Day.pdf Day_by_Day_Word_Find.pdf Day_by_Day_Hymn_John_Trimble.mp3 Day_by_Day_Crossword.pdf
04/04/21 Life of Moses: Death of Moses L13 David Williams Life of Moses Sun Bible Study 2021-04-04-Life_of_Moses_David_Williams_L13.mp3
04/04/21 Colossians and Philemon: Philemon L13 Sewell Hall Colossians and Philemon Sun Bible Study Colossians-Philemon_Sewell_Hall_L13.mp3 Colossians-Philemon_L13.pdf
04/01/21 Colossians and Philemon: Review of Colossians L12 Michael Parker Colossians and Philemon Weekday Evening Bible Study Colossians-Philemon_Michael_Parker_L12wav.mp3 Colossians_Lesson_12_FINAL.pptx
03/31/21 Life of Moses - Lesson 12 David Williams N/A Adult Bible Class LOM-12.pptx Life_of_Moses_-_David_Williams_L12.mp3
03/29/21 NT Survey: Pre-Test and Overview L01 Marty Broadwell NT Survey Weekday Evening Bible Study Survey_of_NT_slides_-_Lesson_1.ppt NT_Survey_Prequiz_-_2021.pdf NT_Survey_Prequiz_-_2021_Answer_Sheet_s.pdf NT_Survey_Lesson_1_-_Worksheet.pdf NT_Survey_2021_Marty_Broadwell_L01.mp3
03/28/21 Colossians and Philemon: Colossians 4:7-15 L11 Sewell Hall Colossians and Philemon Sun Bible Study Colossians-Philemon_Sewell_Hall_L11.mp3 Colossians-Philemon_L11.pdf
03/25/21 Colossians and Philemon: Colossians 4:2-6 L10 Sewell Hall Colossians and Philemon Weekday Evening Bible Study Colossians-Philemon_L10.pdf Colossians-Philemon_Sewell_Hall_L10.mp3 Colossians_Lesson_10.pptx
03/24/21 Life of Moses: Rebellion and Complaining L10 David Williams Life of Moses Weekday Evening Bible Study LifeOfMoses-2021-Lessons_10.pdf LOM-10.pptx Life_of_Mose_-_David_Williams_L10.mp3
03/21/21 Colossians and Philemon: Colossians 3:18 - 4:1 L09 Sewell Hall Colossians and Philemon Sun Bible Study Colossians-Philemon_L09.pdf Colossians-Philemon_Sewell_Hall_L09.mp3

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