All Bible Classes

All Bible Classes

Displaying 2151 - 2175 of 2287

Page 1 2 3 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/11/15 The Work of Shepherds Pt.1 Russ LaGrone Shepherding Class Wed Bible Study Shepherding_Class05_Russ_LaGrone_20150311_WorkOfShepherds1-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/11/15 Repentance & Confession: A Change of Will & Profession-Class 5 Sewell Hall Conversion Wed Bible Study Conversions-L5-Sewell_Hall.mp3 Conversion_Sewells_Revisions_3-8.pptx
03/08/15 Shepherding - Practical Exercise Marty Broadwell Shepherding Class Sun Bible Study Shepherding_Class04_Marty_Broadwell_20150308_Practical_Exercise-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/04/15 The Work of Elders Marty Broadwell Shepherding Class Wed Bible Study Shepherding_Class03_Marty_Broadwell_20150304_WorkOfElders-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
03/01/15 Qualifications Applied Sewell Hall Shepherding Class Sun Bible Study Shepherding_Class02_Sewell_Hall_20150301_QualificationsApplied-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
02/22/15 Shepherding - The Nature of the Work Marty Broadwell Shepherding Class Sun Bible Study Shepherding_Class01_Marty_Broadwell_20150222_NatureOfTheWork-EmbryHillsAtlantaGA.mp3
02/15/15 Joshua-Lesson 13 Joshua Farewell Danny Haynes Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua-13_-Danny_Haynes.mp3 13_Joshua-2015_Joshuas_Farewell.pptx
02/11/15 Joshua-Lesson 12 Other Tribes Allotment Danny Haynes N/A Wed Bible Study 12_Joshua-2015_Other_Tribes_Allotment.pptx Joshua-12_-Danny_Haynes.mp3
02/08/15 Joshua-Lesson 11 Judah Allotment Danny Haynes Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua-11-Danny_Haynes.mp3 11_Joshua-2015_Judah_Allotment.pptx
02/04/15 Joshua-Lesson 10 Cities of Refuge and Eastern Tribes Return Home Sam Freesmeyer Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua-10_-Sam_Freesmeyer.mp3 10_Joshua-2015_Cities_of_Refuge_and_Eastern_Tribes_Return_Home-SRF.pptx
02/01/15 Joshua-Lesson 9 Northern Conquest Danny Haynes Joshua Class Sun Bible Study 09_Joshua-2015_Northern_Conquest_and_Summary.pptx Joshua-09-Danny_Haynes.mp3
01/28/15 Joshua Lesson 8 Gibeonites and Southern Conquest Danny Haynes Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua-08-Danny_Haynes.mp3 08_Joshua-2015_Gibeon_and_Southern_Conquest.pptx
01/25/15 Joshua 7 Renewing the Covenant Danny Haynes Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua-07-Danny_Haynest.mp3 07_Joshua-2015_Joshua_Renews_Covenant.pptx
01/21/15 Joshua-Lesson 6 Ai and Achan Danny Haynes Joshua Class Wed Bible Study 06_Joshua-2015_Ai_and_Achan.pptx Joshua-06-Danny_Haynesr.mp3
01/18/15 Joshua-Lesson 5 Jericho Danny Haynes Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua-05-Danny_Haynesr.mp3 05_Joshua_2015_Jericho.pptx
01/14/15 Joshua-Lesson 4 Crossing Jordan Danny Haynes Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua-04-Danny_Haynesr.mp3 04_Joshua_2015_Crossing_the_Jordan.pptx
01/11/15 Joshua-Lesson 3 Preparation to Cross to Canaan Sam Freesmeyer Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua-03-Sam_Freesmeyer.mp3 03_Joshua_2015_Preparation_for_the_Conquest_SRF_Updates.pptx
01/07/15 Joshua-Lesson 2 Character of Joshua Sam Freesmeyer Joshua Class Wed Bible Study Joshua-02-Sam_Freesmeyer.mp3 02_Joshua_2015_Character_of_Joshua_SRF_Update.pptx
01/04/15 Joshua-Lesson 1 Inroduction Danny Haynes Joshua Class Sun Bible Study Joshua-01-Danny_Haynes.mp3 01_Joshua_2015_Continuity_of_the_Covenant.pptx
12/31/14 Sharing the Hope that is in us for Eternal Life James Newman N/A Wed Bible Study Sharing_the_Hope_that_is_in_us_Eternal_Life.pptx Eternal_Life-James_Newman.mp3
12/28/14 Because He Lives Dave Hamlett N/A College and Young Adult Because_He_Lives-David_Hamlett.mp3 20141228_Because_He_Lives.pptx
12/21/14 Becoming Like Christ Sewell Hall Things We Hope For Sun Bible Study Lesson_Things_Hoped_For.pptx Becoming_Like_Christ-Sewell_Hall.mp3
12/17/14 Walking in God's Will Ben Hall Understanding God's Will Wed Bible Study Undrstanding_Gods_Will-The_Scriptures_and_Authority_of_God13-Ben_Hall.mp3 13_-_Walking_in_Gods_Will.pptx
12/10/14 Case Study - Worship Practices Blaine Mellor N/A Wed Bible Study Undrstanding_Gods_Will-The_Scriptures_and_Authority_of_God11-Blaine_Mellor.mp3 11_-_Understanding_Gods_Will.pptx
12/07/14 Case Study: Church Activity Blaine Mellor N/A College and Young Adult 10_-_Understanding_Gods_Will.pptx Undrstanding_Gods_Will-The_Scriptures_and_Authority_of_God10-Blaine_Mellor.mp3

Displaying 2151 - 2175 of 2287

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