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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/04/22 Cantar de los Cantares L5 (bilingüe) Dave Hamlett Clases Bíblicas Song of Solomon Wed Bible Study 2022.05.04_Song_of_Solomon_Dave_Hamlett_L06_Bi-Lingual.mp3
05/01/22 Lesson 5 - We are Living Under God's Grace Phillip Shumake Bible Class N/A Adult Bible Class Gods_Abundant_Grace_-_Lesson_05_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 05-We_Are_Living_Under_Grace.pptx
05/01/22 Communicating to Connect Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship CommunicatingToConnect.pptx Communicating_to_Connect.mp3
05/01/22 Ask Seek and Knock Dustin Merkle Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Ask_Seek_Knock_-_Final.pptx Ask_Seek_and_Knock_-_Dustin_Merkle.mp3
05/01/22 Laments and Lamentations L05 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Laments and Lamentations Sun Bible Study 2022.05.01_Laments_Mason_Broadwell_L05.mp3
05/01/22 Teacher Training: Major Themes of the Letters L05 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Teacher Training Sun Bible Study 2022.05.01_Teacher_Training_Russ_laGrone_L05.mp3
05/01/22 Comunicarse Para Conectar Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.05.01_Communicating_to_Connect_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
05/01/22 Pide, Busca, y Llama Dustin Merkle Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2022.05.01_Ask_Seek_and_Knock_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish.mp3
04/27/22 Laments and Lamentations: Early and Late Laments L04 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Laments and Lamentations Wed Bible Study 2022.04.27_Early_and_Late_Laments_Mason_Broadwell_L04.mp3
04/27/22 Teacher Training: Overview of the Epistles L04 Marty Broadwell Bible Class Teacher Training Wed Bible Study 2022.04.27_Teacher_Training_Marty_Broadwell_L04.mp3
04/27/22 God's Abundant Grace: Grace In Our Salvation (Ephesians 2:8) L04 Phillip Shumake Bible Class God's Abundant Grace Wed Bible Study 2022-04-27-Grace_Phillip_Shumake_L04.mp3 04-Saved_By_Grace-Final.pptx
04/27/22 Cantar de los Cantares L4 (bilingüe) Dave Hamlett Clases Bíblicas Song of Solomon Wed Bible Study 2022.04.27_Song_of_Solomon_Dave_Hamlett_L04_Bi-Lingual.mp3
04/24/22 L03: Grace in the Death & Resurrection of Jesus Phillip Shumake Bible Class God's Abundant Grace Sun Bible Study Gods_Abundant_Grace_-_Lesson_03_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 03-Death_and_Resurrection_of_Jesus.pptx
04/24/22 The Christian and the Church Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship TheChristianandTheChurch.pptx The_Christian_and_the_Church_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
04/24/22 Cantar de los Cantares L3 (bilingüe) Dave Hamlett Clases Bíblicas Song of Solomon Sun Bible Study 2022.04.24_Song_of_Solomon_Dave_Hamlett_L03_Bi-Lingual.mp3
04/24/22 Laments and Lamentations L03 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Laments and Lamentations Sun Bible Study 2022.04.24_Laments_Mason_Broadwell_L03.mp3
04/24/22 Teacher Training: Class Period Planning L03 Marty Broadwell Bible Class Teacher Training Sun Bible Study 2022.04.24_Teacher_Training_Marty_Broadwell_L03.mp3
04/24/22 El Cristiano y La Iglesia Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.04.24_The_Christian_and_the_Church_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
04/24/22 Barabbas Ben Christian Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sun_Evening_-_Barabbas_Ben_Christian.mp3
04/24/22 Seeking Wisdom Nate Grogan Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sun_Evening_-Seeking_Wisdom_Nate_Grogan.mp3
04/24/22 Blind Bartimaeus Garrett Ingle Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sun_Evening_-_Blind_Bartimaeus_Garrett_Ingle.mp3
04/24/22 Life Lessons from Adversity Blaine Mellor Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sun_Evening_-_Life_Lessons_from_Adversity_Blaine_Mellor.mp3
04/24/22 Anxiety Reece Reynolds Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Sun_Evening_-_Anxiety_Reece_Reynolds.mp3
04/20/22 Laments & Lamentations L02 Mason Broadwell Bible Class Laments and Lamentations Wed Bible Study 2022.04.20_Laments_Mason_Broadwell_L02.mp3
04/20/22 Cantar de los Cantares L2 (bilingüe) Dave Hamlett Clases Bíblicas Song of Solomon Wed Bible Study 2022.04.20_Song_of_Solomon_Bi-Lingual_Dave_Hamlett.mp3

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