All Bible Classes

All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/08/23 Accepting Adversity and Tragedy: Basic Considerations L04 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Wed Bible Study 231108_Accepting_Adversity_and_Tragedy_Russ_LaGrone_L04.mp3
11/08/23 Joshua: Spiritual Preparations for the Conquest (Joshua 5) L04 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Wed Bible Study 2023.11.08_Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L04.mp3
11/08/23 Mark Lesson 4 Ryan Poe Gospel of Mark Wed Bible Study The_Gospel_of_Mark_-_Lesson_4.pptx Mark_Ryan_Poe_L04.mp3
11/05/23 Accepting Adversity and Tragedy: Listening to God L03 Phillip Shumake Adversity and Tragedy Sun Bible Study 2023.11.05_Adversity_and_Tragedy_Phillip_Shumake_L03.mp3
11/05/23 Joshua: Military Preparations for the Conquest (Joshua 2-4) L03 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study 2023.11.05_Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L03.mp3
11/05/23 Mark 3:13-4:34 Lesson 3 Ryan Poe Gospel of Mark Sun Bible Study Mark_Ryan_Poe_L03.mp3 The_Gospel_of_Mark_-_Lesson_3.pptx
11/01/23 Joshua: The Character of Joshua L02 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Wed Bible Study 2023.11.01_Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L02.mp3
11/01/23 Accepting Adversity and Tragedy: Dangers to Our Faith – A Study of Psalms 73 L02 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Wed Bible Study 2023.11.01_Adversity_and_Tragedy_Russ_LaGrone_L02.mp3
11/01/23 Mark: Cleansing the Leaper, The Paralytic & The Opposition (Mark 1:40-3:13) L02 Ryan Poe Gospel of Mark Wed Bible Study The_Gospel_of_Mark_-_Lesson_2.pptx Mark_Ryan_Poe_L02.mp3
10/29/23 Adversity and Tragedy: Class Purpose L01 Russ LaGrone Adversity and Tragedy Sun Bible Study 2023.10.29_Accepting_Adversity_and_Tragedy_Russ_LaGrone_L01.mp3
10/29/23 Joshua: Intro & Themes L01 Mason Broadwell Joshua Class Sun Bible Study 2023.10.29_Joshua_Mason_Broadwell_L01.mp3
10/29/23 Mark: 10 in 1 (Mark 1:1-45) L01 Ryan Poe Gospel of Mark Sun Bible Study The_Gospel_of_Mark_-_Lesson_1.pptx Mark_Ryan_Poe_L01.mp3
10/25/23 What is the church of Christ? : Upward Purpose of the Church - Part 2- L13 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Wed Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_Russ_LaGrone_-_Lesson_13.mp3 Lesson_13_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
10/25/23 Daniel: Daniel & The Language of Revelation L13 Phillip Shumake Daniel Wed Bible Study 2023.10.25_Daniel_Phillip_Shumake_L13.mp3
10/25/23 1 Corinthians: Conclusion & Review (1Cor. 16:1-24) L13 Blaine Mellor 1 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 2023.10.25_1_Corinthians_Blaine_Mellor_L13.mp3
10/22/23 1 Corinthians: Resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-58) L12 Sam Freesmeyer 1 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2023.10.22_1_Corinthians_Sam_Freesmeyer_L12.mp3
10/22/23 Daniel: Daniel & Errors of Premillennialism L12 Phillip Shumake Daniel Sun Bible Study 2023.10.22_Daniel_Phillip_Shumake_L12.mp3
10/22/23 What is the church of Christ? : Upward Purpose of the Church - Part 1- L12 Mason Broadwell N/A Sun Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_Mason_Broadwell-_Lesson_12.mp3 Lesson_12_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
10/18/23 1 Corinthians: Spiritual Gifts in Worship (1 Cor. 14:1-40) L11 Sam Freesmeyer 1 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 2023.10.18_1_Corinthians_Sam_Freesmeyer_L11.mp3
10/18/23 What is the Church of Christ: L11 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Wed Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_Russ_LaGrone_-_Lesson_11.mp3 Lesson_11_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
10/15/23 Daniel: Daniel’s Vision of Israel’s Difficult Future (Daniel 10-11) L10 Phillip Shumake Daniel Sun Bible Study 2023.10.15_Daniel_Phillip_Shumake_L10.mp3
10/15/23 1 Corinthians: Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor. 12:1-13:13) L10 Sam Freesmeyer 1 Corinthians Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2023.10.15_1_Corinthians_Sam_Freesmeyer_L10.mp3
10/15/23 What is the church of Christ? : Inward Purpose of the Church - When Things Go Wrong - L10 Russ LaGrone What is the Church of Christ Sun Bible Study What_is_the_church_of_Christ_Russ_LaGrone_-_Lesson_10.mp3 Lesson_10_-_What_is_the_Church_of_Christ.pptx
10/11/23 Daniel: Daniel’s Prayer for the People’s Return (Daniel 9) L09 Phillip Shumake Daniel Wed Bible Study 2023.10.11_Daniel_9_Phillip_Shumake_L09.mp3
10/11/23 1 Corinthians: Men/Women, Lord's Supper (1 Cor. 11:1-34) L09 Blaine Mellor 1 Corinthians Bible Class Wed Bible Study 2023.10.11_1_CorinthiansBlaine_Mellor_L09.mp3

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