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All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/26/23 NT Survey: Acts and Church History L04 Russ LaGrone NT Survey Wed Bible Study 2023.04.26_NT_Survey_Russ_LaGrone_L04.mp3
04/26/23 Exodus 8-10 L04 Chad Carter Exodus Wed Bible Study 2023.04.26_Exodus_Chad_Carter_L04.mp3
04/26/23 The Cross: The Cross and the Resurrection - Matthew L04 Bill Sanchez The Cross Wed Bible Study The_Cross_of_Jesus_Matthew_L4.pptx The_Cross_-_Lesson_4_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
04/23/23 New Testament Survey: The Gospel Accounts Part 2 (John) L03 Dustin Merkle NT Survey Sun Bible Study 2023.04.23_NT_Survey_Dustin_Merkle_L03.mp3
04/23/23 Exodus 5-7 L03 Chad Carter Exodus Sun Bible Study 2023.04.23_Exodus_Chad_Carter_L03.mp3
04/23/23 The Cross: The Humilation of the Cross L03 Bill Sanchez The Cross Sun Bible Study The_Cross_-_Lesson_3_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 The_humilation_of_the_cross.pptx
04/19/23 NT Survey: The Gospel Accounts: Part 1 (Matthew, Mark, Luke) L02 Dustin Merkle NT Survey Wed Bible Study 2023.04.19_NT_Survey_Dustin_Merkle_L02.mp3
04/19/23 Exodus 3-4 L02 Chad Carter Exodus Wed Bible Study 2023.04.19_Exodus_Chad_Carter_L02.mp3
04/19/23 The Cross: Lesson 2: Why the Messiah Needed to Die Bill Sanchez The Cross Wed Bible Study Why_the_Messiah_needed_to_die.pptx The_Cross_-_Lesson_2_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
04/16/23 Exodus 1-2 L01 Dave Hamlett Exodus Sun Bible Study 2023.04.16_Exodus_Dave_Hamlett_L01.mp3
04/16/23 New Testament Survey: Introduction L01 Dustin Merkle NT Survey Sun Bible Study 2023.04.16_NT_Survey_Dustin_Merkle_L01.mp3
04/16/23 The Cross: Lesson 1: The God of Life Dies Bill Sanchez The Cross Sun Bible Study The_Cross_-_Lesson_1_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 The_God_of_Life_Dies.pptx
04/12/23 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude L13 Brigham Eubanks 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study 2023.04.12_Peter_and_Jude_Brigham_Eubanks_L13.mp3
04/12/23 1 and 2 Peter and Jude: L13b Brigham Eubanks 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study Jude_11ff.mp3
04/12/23 Life of Abraham; Review L13 David Williams Life of Abraham Wed Bible Study Abraham_David_Williams_L13.mp3 abraham-2023-13.pptx
04/09/23 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude: L12 Russ LaGrone 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Sun Bible Study 2023.04.09_Peter_and_Jude_Russ_LaGrone_L12.mp3
04/09/23 Life of Abraham: ABRAHAM in the New Testament L12 David Williams Life of Abraham Sun Bible Study Abraham_David_Williams_L12.mp3 abraham-2023-12.pptx
04/05/23 Life of Abraham: ABRAHAM’S last days L11 Sam Freesmeyer Life of Abraham Wed Bible Study abraham-2023-11.pptx Abraham_Sam_Freesmeyer_L11.mp3
04/05/23 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude: L11 Russ LaGrone 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study 2023.04.05_Peter_and_Jude_Russ_LaGrone_L11.mp3
04/02/23 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude: L10 Russ LaGrone 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Sun Bible Study 2023.04.02_Peter_and_Jude_Russ_LaGrone_L10.mp3
04/02/23 Life of Abraham: ABRAHAM’S GREATEST TEST L10 David Williams Life of Abraham Sun Bible Study Abraham_David_Williams_L10.mp3 abraham-2023-10.pptx
03/29/23 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude: L09 Russ LaGrone 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study 2023.03.29_Peter_and_Jude_Russ_LaGrone_L09.mp3
03/29/23 Life of Abraham: The Child of Promise is born L09 David Williams Life of Abraham Wed Bible Study Abraham_David_Williams_L09.mp3 abraham-2023-09.pptx
03/29/23 1 and 2 Peter and Jude: L08b Brigham Eubanks N/A Other 1_Peter_5_5ff.mp3
03/26/23 1 & 2 Peter and Jude L08 Brigham Eubanks 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study 2023.03.26_Peter_and_Jude_Brigham_Eubanks_L08.mp3

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