All Bible Classes

All Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/02/22 Minor Prophets: Joel 1-2:11 L07 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Sun Bible Study Lesson_07-Joel_1_2_11.pptx 2022.10.02_Minor_Prophets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L07.mp3
10/02/22 Hebrews 8:1-9:14 A Better Ministry L07 David Williams Hebrews Sun Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L07.pptx 2022.10.02_Hebrews_David_Williams_L07.mp3
10/02/22 1 & 2 Thessalonians - L7 Phillip Shumake 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Sun Bible Study L7-Thessalonians-2022.pptx 1__2_Thessalonians_-_L7_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3
09/28/22 Hebrews 7:1-28 The Eternal Priesthood David Williams Hebrews Wed Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L06.pptx 2022.09.28_Hebrews_David_Williams_L06.mp3
09/28/22 1 & 2 Thessalonians - L6 Phillip Shumake N/A Wed Bible Study 1__2_Thessalonians_-_L6_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3
09/28/22 Minor Prophets: Joel & Micah: Overview L06 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Wed Bible Study Lesson_06-Overview_Joel_and_Micah.pptx 2022.09.28_Minor_Prophets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L06.mp3
09/25/22 1 & 2 Thessalonians:Re-Establishing Contact (1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13) L05 Phillip Shumake 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Sun Bible Study 1__2_Thessalonians_-_L5_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3 L5-Thessalonians.pptx
09/25/22 Evangelizing from the Four Gospels-John Dustin Merkle Evangelism Sun PM Worship 2022.09.25_Evangelizing_from_the_Four_Gospels-John_Dustin_Merkle.mp3
09/25/22 Evangelizing from the Four Gospels-Matthew Phillip Shumake Evangelism Sun PM Worship 2022.09.25_Evangelizing_from_the_Four_Gospels-Matthew_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
09/25/22 Evangelizing from the Four Gospels-Luke Bill Sanchez Evangelism Sun PM Worship Evangelizing-Luke_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 Evangelizing_through_Luke_like_Luke.pptx
09/25/22 Minor Prophets: God’s Mercy & Judgment on Nineveh Jonah vs Nahum L05 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Sun Bible Study 2022.09.25_Minor_Prophets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L05.mp3 Lesson_05-Jonah_vs_Nahum.pptx
09/25/22 Evangelizing from the Four Gospels-Mark Dave Hamlett Evangelism Sun PM Worship 2022.09.25_Evangelizing_from_the_Four_Gospels-Mark_Dave_Hamlett.mp3
09/25/22 Hebrews 6:1-20 Convinced of Better Things L05 David Williams Hebrews Sun Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L05.pptx 2022.09.25_Hebrews_David_Williams_L05.mp3
09/21/22 Hebrews 4:14-5:14 Christ and Aaron L04 David Williams Hebrews Wed Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L04.pptx 2022.09.21_Hebrews_David_Williams_L04.mp3
09/21/22 Minor Prophets: Jonah in Nineveh Chap 3-4 L04 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Wed Bible Study Lesson_04-Jonah_in_Nineveh_3-4.pptx 2022.09.21_Minor_Prophets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L04.mp3
09/21/22 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Paul’s Ministry in Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 2:1-16) L04 Phillip Shumake 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Wed Bible Study L4-Thess-2022.pptx 1__2_Thessalonians_-_L4_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3
09/18/22 Hebrews 3:1-4:13 Christ, Moses, and Joshua L03 David Williams Hebrews Sun Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L03.pptx 2022.09.18_Hebrews_David_Williams_L03.mp3
09/18/22 Minor Prophets: Jonah 1-2 Jonah Flees L03 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Sun Bible Study Lesson_03-JOnah_Flees.pptx 2022.09.18_Minor_Prophets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L03.mp3
09/18/22 1 & 2 Thessalonians - L3 Phillip Shumake N/A Sun Bible Study 1__2_Thessalonians_-_L3_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3 L3-Thessalonians-2022.pptx
09/14/22 Minor Prophet: Obadiah Danny Haynes L02 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Wed Bible Study Lesson_02-Obadiah.pptx 2022.09.14_Minor_Prophets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L02.mp3
09/14/22 Hebrews 2:1-18 Lower than the Angels L02 David Williams Hebrews Wed Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L02.pptx 2022.09.14_Hebrews_David_Williams_L02.mp3
09/11/22 Minor Prophets- Obadiah, Jonah, Joel & Micah: When & Where L01 Danny Haynes Minor Prophets- Obadiah Jonah Joel Micah Sun Bible Study Lesson_01-When_and_Where_Obadiah_Jonah_Joel_Micah.pptx 2022.09.11_Minor_Porphets_OJJM_Danny_Haynes_L01.mp3
09/11/22 1 & 2 Thessalonians - Lesson 1 Phillip Shumake 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Sun Bible Study L1-Thessalonians-2022.pptx 1__2_Thessalonians_-_L1_-_Philip_Shumake.mp3
09/11/22 Hebrews 1:1-14 Christ, Prophets, and Angels L01 David Williams Hebrews Sun Bible Study hebrews-adult-2022-L01.pptx 2022.09.11_Hebrews_David_Williams_L01.mp3
09/04/22 Revelation: Review L13 Larry Brown Revelation Bible Class Sun Bible Study 2022.09.04_Revelation_Larry_Brown_L13.mp3

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