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All Bible Classes

Displaying 201 - 225 of 2223

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/10/24 Ecclesiastes: Problems Under The Sun - Part 1 (Ecclesiastes4.1-5.7) L05 Dave Hamlett Ecclesiastes Sun Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L04-1710108298.mp3 05_Ecclesiastes_-_Problems_Under_The_Sun_-_Part_1_4.1-5.7.pptx
03/06/24 Living in the World: Physical Appeals L04 Bi-Lingual Marty Broadwell Living in the World Wed Bible Study 2024.03.06_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L04_Bi-Lingual-1710540930.mp3
03/06/24 Life of Paul: 1st preaching tour; controversy over Gentile converts (Acts 13:1 – 15:35; Gal. 4-6) L04 Santy Blesson Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Wed Bible Study 2024.03.06_Life_of_Paul_Santy_Blesson_L04.mp3
03/06/24 Ecclesiastes: For Everything There is a Season (Ecclesiastes 3:1-22)L04 Dave Hamlett Ecclesiastes Wed Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L04.mp3 04_Ecclesiastes_-_For_Everything_There_Is_A_Season_3.1-22.pptx
03/03/24 Life of Paul: 1st preaching tour; controversy over Gentile converts (Acts 13:1 – 15:35; Gal. 4-6) L03 Brigham Eubanks Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Sun Bible Study Life_and_Epistles_of_Paul_L3.pptx 2024.03.03_Life_of_Paul_Brigham_Eubanks_L03.mp3
03/03/24 Living in the World: Physical Appeals L03 Bi-Lingual Marty Broadwell Living in the World Sun Bible Study 2024.03.03_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L03_Bi-Lingual.mp3
03/03/24 Ecclesiastes: Solomon's Search (Ecclesiastes 1.12-2.26) L03 Dave Hamlett Ecclesiastes Sun Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L03.mp3 03_Ecclesiastes_-_Solomons_Search_1.12-2.26.pptx
02/28/24 Life of Paul: Conversion until Antioch (Acts 9-11,22,26; Gal. 1-2) L02 Brigham Eubanks Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Wed Bible Study Life_and_Epistles_of_Paul_L2.pptx 2024.02.28_Life_of_Paul_Brigham_Eubanks_L02.mp3
02/28/24 Living in the World: Overview of the Conflict L02 Bi-Lingual Marty Broadwell Living in the World Wed Bible Study 2024.02.28_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L02_Bi-Lingual.mp3
02/28/24 Ecclesiastes: Opening Statement (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11) L02 Dave Hamlett Ecclesiastes Wed Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L02.mp3 02_Ecclesiastes_-_Opening_Statement_1.2-11.pptx
02/25/24 Ecclesiastes: Introduction Lesson 1 Dave Hamlett Ecclesiastes Sun Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L01.mp3 01_Ecclesiastes_-_Introduction_1.1.pptx
02/25/24 Life of Paul: Background, Youth and Persecution (Acts 7-8) L01 Brigham Eubanks Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Sun Bible Study Life_and_Epistles_of_Paul_L1.pptx 2024.02.25_Life_of_Paul_Brigham_Eubanks_L01.mp3
02/25/24 Living in the World: Overview of the Conflict L01 Bi-Lingual Marty Broadwell Living in the World Sun Bible Study 2024.02.25_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L01_Bi-Lingual.mp3
02/21/24 Titus 3 - Living Out the Grace Expressed in Salvation Various Men Titus Wed Bible Study Titus_3_-_Mason_Drumm_and_Austin_Rutherford.mp3
02/21/24 Titus 2 - Defending the Truth by Bold Living Various Men Titus Wed Bible Study Titus_2_Alex_Saffold_and_Joeseph_Bamgbose.mp3
02/21/24 Titus 1 - Equipped to Defend What is Good Various Men Titus Wed Bible Study Titus_1_Caleb_Pickup_and_Dave_Jamieson.mp3
02/18/24 Prayer: Review L13 Bill Sanchez Prayer Sun Bible Study 2024.02.18_Prayer_Luke_Carter_and_Bill_Sanchez_L13.mp3
02/18/24 Judges: Review L13 Santy Blesson Judges Sun Bible Study 2024.02.18_Judges_Santy_Blesson_L13.mp3
02/18/24 Hebrews: Final Exhortations (Hebrews 13:1-25 ) L13 David Williams Hebrews Sun Bible Study Hebrews_David_Williams_L13.mp3 hebrews-adult-2024-L13.pptx
02/14/24 Hebrews: Looking to Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-29) L12 David Williams Hebrews Wed Bible Study Hebrews_David_Williams_L12.mp3 hebrews-adult-2024-L12.pptx
02/14/24 Judges: The Crime at Gibeah (Judges 19-21) L12 Santy Blesson Judges Wed Bible Study 2024.02.14_Judges_Santy_Blesson_L12.mp3
02/14/24 Prayer: Praying for Power L12 Luke Carter Prayer Wed Bible Study 2024.02.14_Prayer_Luke_Carter_L12.mp3
02/11/24 Prayer: Not My Will but Yours Be Done L11 Bill Sanchez Prayer Sun Bible Study 2024.02.11_Prayer_Bill_Sanchez_L11.mp3
02/11/24 Hebrews: The Cloud of Witnesses (Hebrews 11) L11 David Williams Hebrews Sun Bible Study hebrews-adult-2024-L11.pptx Hebrews_David_Williams_L11.mp3
02/11/24 Judges: Micah and the Danites (Judges 17-18) L11 Marty Broadwell Judges Sun Bible Study 2024.02.11_Judges_Marty_Broadwell_L11.mp3

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