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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/31/18 2 Samuel: House of David vs House of Saul L02 Dave Hamlett Bible Class 2 Samuel Wed Bible Study Samuel_Lesson_2_-_Dave_Hamlett.mp3 02_2_Samuel_-_House_of_David_v._House_of_Saul_Presentation.pptx
10/28/18 Bringing Evil into Light Russ LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Bringing_Evil_into_Light_-_Russ_LaGrone_2.mp3 Bringing_Evil_Into_Light.pptx
10/28/18 2 Samuel Intro: 1 Samuel Recap L01 Dave Hamlett Bible Class 2 Samuel Sun AM Worship 01_2_Samuel_-_1_Samuel_Recap_Presentation.pptx Samuel_Lesson_1_-_Dave_Hamlett.mp3
10/28/18 Trayendo el Mal a la Luz Russ LaGrone Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2018.10.28_Bringing_Evil_into_Light_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
10/28/18 Messianic Psalms David Williams Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 2018.10.28_Messianic_Psalms_David_Williams.mp3
10/28/18 Thanksgiving Psalms Blaine Mellor Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Psalms_of_Thanksgiving_-_Blaine_Mellor.mp3
10/28/18 Intro to Ezra and Nehemiah Clay Hovater Bible Class Ezra and Nehemiah Class Sun Bible Study Ezra_and_Nehemiah.pdf EZRA_and_NEHEMIAH_L01.pdf 2018.10.28_Intro_Ezra_and_Nehemiah_Clay_Hovater-L01.mp3
10/24/18 Boldness With No Shame Curtis Pope Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM Worship Boldness_with_no_shame_-_Curtis_Pope.mp3
10/24/18 Denuedo sin Vergüenza Curtis Pope Sermones Interpretados Boldness Gospel Meeting 2018.10.24_Boldness_With_No_Shame_Curtis_Pope_Spanish_J_Reaves.mp3
10/23/18 Boldy Living for the Lord Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting BOLDY_LIVING_FOR_THE_LORD_-_Curtis_Pope.mp3
10/23/18 Viviendo con Denuedo para el Señor Curtis Pope Sermones Interpretados Boldness Gospel Meeting 2018.10.23_Boldy_Living_for_the_Lord_Curtis_Pope_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
10/22/18 Bold Access Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting Bold_Access_-_Curtis_Pope.mp3
10/22/18 Acceso con Denuedo Curtis Pope Sermones Interpretados Boldness Gospel Meeting 2018.10.22_Bold_Access_Curtis_Pope_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
10/21/18 With All Boldness Curtis Pope Gospel Meeting Boldness Sun AM Worship With_All_Boldness_-_Curtis_Pope.mp3
10/21/18 LET US BOLDLY COME TO THE THRONE OF GRACE Curtis Pope Sermon Boldness Sun PM Worship LET_US_BOLDLY_COME_TO_THE_THRONE_OF_GRACE_-_Curtis_Pope.mp3
10/21/18 Intro to Kings and Prophets:Prophets & the Messianic Prophecies L13 James Newman Bible Class Introduction Survey of Kings and Prophets Sun Bible Study Lesson_13_Messianic_Prophecies.pptx 2018.10.21_Prophets_and_the_Messianic_Prophecies_James_Newman_L13.mp3
10/21/18 Acts Chapters 27-28 L13 Dustin Merkle Bible Class Acts Adult Bible Class Acts_27-28_-_Dustin_Merkle.mp3 Acts_27-28_Adult_Class.pptx
10/21/18 Con Todo Denuedo Curtis Pope Sermones Interpretados Boldness Sun AM Worship 2018.10.21_With_All_Boldness_Curtis_Pope_Spanish_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
10/21/18 Vengamos con Denuedo al Trono de Gracia Curtis Pope Sermones Interpretados Boldness Sun PM Worship 2018.10.21_LET_US_BOLDLY_COME_TO_THE_THRONE_OF_GRACE_Curtis_Pope_Spanish_B_Sanchez.mp3
10/18/18 Intro to Kings and Prophets: Leaders and Minor Prophets after the Return Danny Haynes Bible Class Introduction Survey of Kings and Prophets Wed Bible Study 2018.10.17_Ezra_Nehemiah_minor_prophets_of_return_Danny_Haynes_L12.mp3 Lesson_12_Leaders-Minor_Prophets_after_the_Return_Haggai_Zachariah_Malachi.pptx
10/17/18 Acts Chapters 24-26 L12 Dustin Merkle Bible Class Acts Adult Bible Class Acts_24-26_Adult_Class.pptx Acts_12_-_Dustin_Merkle.mp3
10/14/18 Acts Chapter 21-23 L11 Dustin Merkle Bible Class Acts Sun Bible Study Acts_11_-_Dustin_Merkle.mp3 Acts_21-23_Adult_Class.pptx
10/14/18 Seek His Face Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Seek_His_Face-Phillip_Shumake.mp3 SeekHisFace-Final.pptx
10/14/18 Slaves To Sons Sewell Hall Sermon Free in Christ Sun PM Worship Slaves_To_Sons_-_Sewell_Hall.mp3 EH_Slave_to_Son.pptx
10/14/18 Intro Kings and Prophets: Ezekiel and Daniel L11 Danny Haynes Bible Class Introduction Survey of Kings and Prophets Sun Bible Study Lesson_11_Daniel_Ezekiel_and_the_Kings.pptx 2018.10.14_Ezekiel_Daniel_Danny_Haynes_L11.mp3

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