Sermones Interpretados

Sermones Interpretados

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/06/22 Promesas cumplidas en Pentecostés Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.11.06_Fulfilled_Promises_at_Pentecost_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
10/30/22 Cómo Jesús enfrentó la muerte Russ LaGrone Lord's Supper Sun AM Worship How_Jesus_Faced_Death.en_es.pptx 2022.10.30_How_Jesus_Faced_Death_Spanish_Russ_Lagrone.mp3
10/23/22 Lidiando con la culpa de tu pasado Bill Sanchez N/A Sun PM Worship 2022.10.23_Dealing_With_the_Guilt_of_Your_Past_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
10/23/22 Rompiendo el ciclo: Lecciones de los jueces Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.10.23_Break_the_Cycle_Lessons_from_the_Judges_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
10/16/22 Fortalécete en la gracia Dave Hamlett Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship 2022.10.16_Be_Strong_in_Faith_Dave_Hamlett_Spanish.mp3
10/12/22 Con todo: Los cristianos, la cultura y la contrucción de puentes Don Truex All In Gospel Meeting 2022.10.12_ALL_IN_-_Christians_Culture_Common_Ground_Don_Truex_Spanish.mp3
10/11/22 Con todo: La ayuda del cielo en forma humana Don Truex N/A Gospel Meeting EN_ES.Heavens_Help_in_Human_Form.mp3
10/10/22 Con todo: El desafío de la fe de segunda generación Don Truex All In Gospel Meeting 2022.10.10_All_In_-_The_Challenge_of_2nd_Generation_Faith_Don_Truex_Spanish.mp3
10/09/22 Con todo: Entre la izquierda y la derecha Don Truex All In Gospel Meeting 2022.10.09_All_In_Between_Left_and_Right_Don_Truex_Spanish.mp3
10/09/22 Con todo: Guardando el encomiendo Don Truex All In Sun AM Worship 2022.10.09_ALL_IN_-_Guarding_the_Trust_Don_Truex_Spanish.mp3
10/02/22 La hospitalidad de Dios Bill Sanchez N/A Sun PM Worship 2022.10.02_The_Hospitality_of_God_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
10/02/22 La evolución o la degradación Sewell Hall N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.10.02_Evolution_or_Degradation_Sewell_Hall_Spanish.mp3
09/18/22 Vasos para honra: Introducción (2 Timoteo 2:21) Phillip Shumake Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship 2022.09.18_Vessels_for_Honor_Introduction_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
09/18/22 La ganancia de la sabiduría Dustin Merkle N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.09.18_Profit_of_Wisdom_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish.mp3
09/11/22 A los que creen en su nombre - Juan 1 Dustin Merkle N/A Sun AM Worship EN_ES.John_1_To_Those_Who_Believe_In_His_Name.pptx 2022.09.11_To_those_who_believe_on_Him_Name_-_John_1_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish.mp3
09/11/22 Pablo - un mentor espiritual - bilingüe Russ LaGrone N/A Sun PM Worship Paul_a_Spiritual_Mentor.mp3 Paul_-_A_Spiritual_Mentor_bilingual.pptx
09/04/22 El fruto de la bondad Dave Hamlett N/A Sun PM Worship 2022.09.04_The_Fruit_of_Goodness_Dave_Hamlett_Spanish.mp3
09/04/22 Una ciudad situada sobre un monte Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.09.04_City_on_a_Hill_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/21/22 La prueba de nuestro amor a Dios Sewell Hall Love One Another - 2021-2022 Theme - John 13:34-35 Sun PM Worship 2022.08.21_Test_of_the_Love_of_God_Sewell_Hall_Spanish.mp3
08/21/22 Moisés en la zarza ardiente (Éxodo 1-4) Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.08.21_Moses_at_the_Burning_Bush_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/14/22 Para ser vistos por ellos (Mateo 6) Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.08.14_To_Be_Noticed_by_Them_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
08/14/22 Acts of the Earliest Church/Hechos de la iglesia en su inicio (Bilingüe) Dustin Merkle N/A Sun PM Worship Acts_of_the_Earliest_Church_-_Dustin_Merkle_-_Bilingual.mp3 ACTS_OF_THE_EARLIEST_CHURCH_-_bilingual.pptx
08/07/22 ¿De dónde salieron las iglesias de Cristo? Sewell Hall N/A Sun PM Worship 2022.08.07_Where_did_the_churches_of_Christ_come_from_Sewell_Hall_Spanish.mp3
08/07/22 Todos somos uno en Cristo Russ LaGrone N/A Sun AM Worship We_Are_All_One_in_Christ.EN_ES.pptx 2022.08.07_We_Are_All_One_in_Christ_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish.mp3
07/31/22 Redención por su sangre Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship 2022.07.31_Redemption_through_His_blood_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3

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