Sermones Interpretados

Sermones Interpretados

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/03/23 Los recabitas Marty Broadwell N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.09.03_Rechabites_Marty_Broadwell_Spanish.mp3
08/27/23 La presciencia de Dios Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.08.27_The_Foreknowledge_of_God_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/20/23 Persistiendo en las cosas que hemos aprendido Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.08.20_Continuing_in_the_Things_You_Have_Learned_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
08/13/23 Sanación en Jesús Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Sun AM Worship 2023.08.13_Healing_in_Jesus_Roger_Polamco_Spanish.mp3
08/13/23 Hallando consolación en Jesús Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Sun PM Worship 2023.08.13_Finding_Comfort_in_Jesus_Roger_Polanco_Spanish.mp3
08/12/23 Jesús y la mujer samaritana (Juan 4) Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting 2023.08.12_Jesus_and_the_Samaritan_Women_Roger_Polanco_Spanish.mp3
08/12/23 El nuevo nacimiento Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting 2023.08.12_The_New_Birth_Roger_Polanco_Spanish.mp3
08/06/23 Una luz para los gentiles Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.08.06_A_Light_to_the_Gentiles_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
08/06/23 La predicación de Jeremías Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.08.06_Preaching_of_Jeremiah_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
07/30/23 El día más largo Russ LaGrone N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.07.30_The_Longest_Day_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish.mp3
07/23/23 ¿Por qué rasgar tus vestidos? Dennis Allan N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.07.23_Ripping_the_Robe_Dennis_Allan_Spanish.mp3
07/16/23 El Antiguo Testamento v. el Nuevo Testamento en Hebreos Sewell Hall N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.07.16_Old_Testament_vs_New_Testament_Hebrews_Sewell_Hall_Spanish.mp3
07/16/23 Vasos para honra: Reprendiendo tiernamente (2 Timoteo 2:24-26) Phillip Shumake Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship 2023.07.16_Vessels_for_Honor_Correcting_With_Gentleness_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
07/09/23 El camino de Balaam Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.07.09_The_Way_of_Balaam_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
07/09/23 ¿Qué sigue ahora? Juan 14 Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.07.09_What_is_Next_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
07/02/23 La obra de la unidad Dustin Merkle N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.07.02_The_Work_of_Unity_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish.mp3
07/02/23 Uniéndose a una iglesia local Marty Broadwell N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.07.02_Joining_a_Local_Church_Marty_Broadwell_Spanish.mp3
06/25/23 No desprecies el día de las pequeñeces - Fe como un grano de mostaza (Zacarías 4:10 y Lucas 17:5-6) Larry Brown N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.06.25_Do_Not_Despise_the_Day_of_Small_Things-Mustard_Seed_Faith_Larry_Brown_Spanish.mp3
06/18/23 Pasando la fe a la próxima generación Russ LaGrone Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship 2023.06.18_Passing_the_Faith_to_the_Next_Generation_Russ_LaGrone_Spanish.mp3
06/11/23 ¿Tratamos a Dios como santo? David Bunting N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.06.11_Do_We_Treat_God_as_Holy_David_Bunting_Spanish.mp3
06/11/23 Las buenas noticias Ben Hall N/A Sun AM Worship 2023.06.11_The_Good_News_Ben_Hall_Spanish.mp3
06/09/23 Nuestra crisis de identidad David Bunting Youth Forum 2023 Youth Forum Identity_Crisis_Spanish_David_Bunting.mp3
06/04/23 Anden así como fueron llamados Dustin Merkle N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.06.04_Walk_as_You_Were_Called_Dustin_Merkle_Spanish.mp3
05/31/23 Lea Gardner Hall N/A Wed Bible Study Leah_Gardner_Hall_Spanish.mp3
05/28/23 El verdadero yo Sewell Hall N/A Sun PM Worship 2023.05.28_The_Real_Me_Sewell_Hall_Spanish.mp3

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