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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/16/25 Building Up One Another Russ LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship L6-Rooted_and_Grounded_-_Building_up_One_Another.pptx Building_Up_One_Another.mp3
02/13/25 Pointing to Jesus Colton Hamlett Sermon N/A Thursday Bible Study Pointing_to_Jesus.pptx Pointing_to_Jesus_Colton_Hamlett.mp3
02/12/25 1 2 3 John: Receiving A Full Reward (2 John ) L11 Wayne Gaskin Bible Class John Class Wed Bible Study 2025.02.12_123_John_Wayne_Gaskin_L11.mp3
02/12/25 Kings and Prophets: Gedaliah L24 Danny Haynes Bible Class Kings and Prophets Wed Bible Study Lesson_24_Kings_and_Prophets-Gedaliah_2025.pptx 2025.02.12_Kings_and_Prophets_Danny_Haynes_L24.mp3
02/12/25 Evangelio de Lucas Spanish L11 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Evangelio de Lucas Wed Bible Study 2025.02.12_Evangelio_de_Lucas_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L11.mp3
02/12/25 Genuine Fellowship: Lesson 11 Dave Hamlett Bible Class Genuine Fellowship Wed Bible Study Genuine_Fellowship_-_Lesson_11_-_Dave_Hamlett.mp3 Genuine_Fellowship_-_2025_-_Lesson_11.pptx
02/09/25 Nehemiah's Prayer (Nehemiah 13) Spanish Colton Hamlett Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2025.02.09_Nehemiahs_Prayer_Colton_Hamlett_Spanish.mp3
02/09/25 When Jesus Met a Good Man Spanish Bill Sanchez Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2025.02.09_When_Jesus_Met_a_Good_Man_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
02/09/25 Evangelio de Lucas Spanish L10 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Evangelio de Lucas Sun Bible Study 2025.02.09_Evangelio_de_Lucas_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L10.mp3
02/09/25 Kings and Prophets: Jeremiah & the Bad Figs L23 Chad Carter Bible Class Kings and Prophets Sun Bible Study Lesson_23_Jeremiah_and_the_Bad_Figs.pptx 2025.02.09_Kings_and_Prophets_Chad_Carter_L23.mp3
02/09/25 1 2 3 John: Abiding In The Truth (1 John 5:14-21) L10 Wayne Gaskin Bible Class John Class Sun Bible Study 2025.02.09_123_John_Wayne_Gaskin_L10.mp3
02/09/25 Nehemiah's Prayer (Nehemiah 13) Colton Hamlett Sermon Nehemiah Sun PM Worship Nehemiah_Sermon.pptx Nehemiah_Colton_Hamlett.mp3
02/09/25 When Jesus Met a Good Man Bill Sanchez Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship AreYou_Good_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 When_Jesus_Met_a_Good_Man_FIN.pptx
02/09/25 Genuine Fellowship: Maintaining Fellowship When We Disagree L10 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Genuine Fellowship Sun Bible Study Genuine_Fellowship_-_Lesson_10_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Genuine_Fellowship_-_2025_-_Lesson_10.pptx
02/05/25 Kings and Prophets: Jeremiah & King Zedekiah L22 Danny Haynes Bible Class Kings and Prophets Wed Bible Study Lesson_22_Kings_and_Prophets-Jeremiah_and_Zedekiah_2025.pptx 2025.02.05_Kings_and_Prophets_Danny_Haynes_L22.mp3
02/05/25 Evangelio de Lucas L09 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Evangelio de Lucas Wed Bible Study 2025.02.05_Evangelio_de_Lucas_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L09.mp3
02/05/25 1 2 3 John: Believing The Testimony (1 John 5:6-13 ) L09 Phillip Shumake Bible Class John Class Wed Bible Study 2025.02.05_123_John_Phillip_Shumake_L09.mp3
02/05/25 Genuine Fellowship: Working Jointly L09 Russ LaGrone Bible Class Genuine Fellowship Wed Bible Study 2025-02-06-Fellowship_Russ_LaGrone_L09.mp3 Genuine_Fellowship_-_2025_-_Lesson_9.pptx
02/02/25 Evangelio de Lucas L08 Bill Sanchez Clases Bíblicas Evangelio de Lucas Sun Bible Study 2025.02.02_Evangelio_de_Lucas_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish_L08.mp3
02/02/25 1 2 3 John: Confessing The Son of God (1 John 4:12-5:5) L08 Phillip Shumake Bible Class John Class Sun Bible Study 2025.02.02_123_John_Phillip_Shumake_L08.mp3
02/02/25 Kings and Prophets: Ezekiel L21 Chad Carter Bible Class Kings and Prophets Sun Bible Study Lesson_21-EZEKIEL.pptx 2025.02.02_Kings_and_Prophets__Chad_Carter_L21.mp3
02/02/25 Restaurando el matrimonio: Belleza y honor (1 Pedro 3) David Maxson Sermones Interpretados El matrimonio Sun PM Worship 2025.02.02_Restoring_Marriage_Sermon_2_Spanish__David_Maxson.mp3
02/02/25 Restaurando el matrimonio: Amor y respeto (Efesios 5) David Maxson Sermones Interpretados El matrimonio Sun AM Worship 2025.02.02_Restoring_Marriage_Sermon_1_Spanish.mp3
02/02/25 Restoring Marriage: Beauty & Honor (1 Peter 3:1-7) David Maxson Sermon Marriage Sun PM Worship Restoring_Marriage_-_Sermon_2.pptx Restoring_Marriage_-_Lesson_2_-_Love__Respect_-_David_Maxson.mp3
02/02/25 Restoring Marriage - Lesson 1 - Eph 5:22-33 David Maxson Sermon Marriage Sun AM Worship Restoring_Marriage_-_Sermon_1.pptx Restoring_Marriage_-_Lesson_1_-_Love__Respect_-_David_Maxson.mp3

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