All Audio Recordings

All Audio Recordings

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/19/24 A Heart that Trusts His God (Psalms 34, 52, 54, 56, 59, 63, & 142) Joshua Creel Sermon After His Own Heart Gospel Meeting A_Heart_That_Trusts_His_God.pptx A_Heart_that_Trusts_His_God_Joshua_Creel.mp3
03/18/24 Un corazón que acepta la instrucción Joshua Creel Sermones Interpretados N/A Gospel Meeting 2024.03.18_A_Heart_that_Accepts_Instruction_Joshua_Creel_Spanish.mp3
03/18/24 A Heart that Accepts Instruction Joshua Creel Sermon After His Own Heart Gospel Meeting A_Heart_That_Accepts_Instruction.pptx A_Heart_that_Accepts_Instruction_Joshua_Creel.mp3
03/17/24 Viviendo en el mundo: Atracciones emocionales L07 (bilingüe) David Bermudez Clases Bíblicas Viviendo en el mundo Sun Bible Study Living_in_the_World_Charts_Lesson_3_-_Bilingual_-_2024-1711477092.pptx 2024.03.17_Living_in_the_World_David_Bermudez_L07_Bi-Lingual-1711477092.mp3
03/17/24 Living in the World: Emotional Appeals L07 Bi-Lingual David Bermudez Bible Class Living in the World Sun Bible Study 2024.03.17_Living_in_the_World_David_Bermudez_L07_Bi-Lingual.mp3
03/17/24 Life of Paul: 3rd preaching tour; epistles from 3rd tour (Acts 18:23 – 20:38; Romans, 1&2 Cor.) L07 Brigham Eubanks Bible Class Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Sun Bible Study 2024.03.17_Life_of_Paul_Brigham_Eubanks_L07.mp3
03/17/24 Un corazón que se somete a la voluntad de Dios Joshua Creel Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun PM Worship 2024.03.17_A_Heart_That_Yields_to_God_s_Will_Joshua_Creel_Spanish.mp3
03/17/24 Un corazón valiente Joshua Creel Sermones Interpretados After His Own Heart Sun AM Worship 2024.03.17_A_Courageous_Heart_Joshua_Creel_Spanish.mp3
03/17/24 A Heart That Yields to God's Will Joshua Creel Sermon After His Own Heart Sun PM Worship A_Heart_that_Yields_to_Gods_Will_-_Joshua_Creel.mp3 A_Heart_That_Yields_to_Gods_Will.pptx
03/17/24 A Courageous Heart Joshua Creel Sermon After His Own Heart Sun AM Worship A_Courageous_Heart.pptx A_Courageous_Heart_-_Joshua_Creel.mp3
03/17/24 Ecclesiastes: What is 'Better' (Ecclesiastes 7.1-18) Lesson 7 Dave Hamlett Bible Class Ecclesiastes Sun Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L07.mp3 07_Ecclesiastes_-_What_is_Better_7.1-18.pptx
03/13/24 Viviendo en el mundo: Atracciones emocionales L06 (bilingüe) David Bermudez Clases Bíblicas Viviendo en el mundo Sun Bible Study Living_in_the_World_Charts_Lesson_3_-_Bilingual_-_2024.pptx 2024.03.13_Living_in_the_World_David_Bermudez_L06_Bi-Lingual-1710868916.mp3
03/13/24 Living in the World: Emotional Appeals L06 Bi-Lingual David Bermudez Bible Class Living in the World Wed Bible Study 2024.03.13_Living_in_the_World_David_Bermudez_L06_Bi-Lingual.mp3
03/13/24 Life of Paul: 2nd preaching tour; epistles from 2nd tour (Acts 15:36 – 18:22; 1&2 Thess.) L06 Brigham Eubanks Bible Class Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Wed Bible Study 2024.03.13_Life_of_Paul_Brigham_Eubanks_L06.mp3
03/13/24 Ecclesiastes - Problems Under The Sun - Part 2 (Ecclesiastes 5.8-6.12) L06 Dave Hamlett Bible Class Ecclesiastes Wed Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L06.mp3 06_Ecclesiastes_-_Problems_Under_The_Sun_-_Part_2_5.8-6.12.pptx
03/10/24 Viviendo en el mundo: L05 (bilingüe) Marty Broadwell Clases Bíblicas Viviendo en el mundo Sun Bible Study 2024.03.10_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L05_Bi-Lingual-1710540725.mp3
03/10/24 Life of Paul: 2nd preaching tour & epistles (Acts 15:36 – 18:22; 1&2 Thess.) L05 Brigham Eubanks Bible Class Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Sun Bible Study Life_and_Epistles_of_Paul_L5.pptx 2024.03.10_Life_of_Paul_Brigham_Eubanks_L05.mp3
03/10/24 Living in the World L05 Bi-Lingual Marty Broadwell Bible Class Living in the World Sun Bible Study 2024.03.10_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L05_Bi-Lingual.mp3
03/10/24 Despojándonos de todo peso y pecado Phillip Shumake Sermones Interpretados Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus: 2023-24 Theme Sun PM Worship 2024.03.10_Laying_Aside_Every_Weight_and_Sin_Phillip_Shumake_Spanish.mp3
03/10/24 Fomentando una comunión más profunda Bill Sanchez Sermones Interpretados N/A Sun AM Worship 2024.03.10_Fostering_Deeper_Fellowship_Bill_Sanchez_Spanish.mp3
03/10/24 Laying Aside Every Weight and Sin Phillip Shumake Sermon Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus: 2023-24 Theme Sun PM Worship Laying_Aside_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 EyesOnJesus-L7-Laying_Aside-Final-PM.pptx
03/10/24 Ecclesiastes: Problems Under The Sun - Part 1 (Ecclesiastes4.1-5.7) L05 Dave Hamlett Bible Class Ecclesiastes Sun Bible Study Ecclesiastes_-_Dave_Hamlett_-_L04-1710108298.mp3 05_Ecclesiastes_-_Problems_Under_The_Sun_-_Part_1_4.1-5.7.pptx
03/10/24 Fostering Deeper Fellowship Bill Sanchez Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Fostering_Deeper_Fellowship.pptx Fostering_Deeper_Fellowship_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
03/06/24 Living in the World: Physical Appeals L04 Bi-Lingual Marty Broadwell Bible Class Living in the World Wed Bible Study 2024.03.06_Living_in_the_World_Marty_Broadwell_L04_Bi-Lingual-1710540930.mp3
03/06/24 Life of Paul: 1st preaching tour; controversy over Gentile converts (Acts 13:1 – 15:35; Gal. 4-6) L04 Santy Blesson Bible Class Life of Paul and Epistles of Paul Wed Bible Study 2024.03.06_Life_of_Paul_Santy_Blesson_L04.mp3

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