All Audio Recordings

All Audio Recordings

Displaying 4151 - 4175 of 7688

Page 1 2 3 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 306 307 308

Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/24/16 Lesson 3 Othniel Ehud and Shamgar 3:7-31 Danny Haynes Bible Class Judges Sun Bible Study 2016.07.24-Lesson_3_Othniel_Ehud_Shamgar-Danny_Haynes.mp3 03_Lesson_Judges-Othniel_Ehud_Shamgar.pptx
07/24/16 Great Combinations Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship GreatCombinations.pptx Great_Combinations_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/24/16 The Gift of God's Commands John Weaver Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Weaver_GiftofCommand_Final.pptx The_Gift_of_God_Command-John_Weaver.mp3
07/20/16 L2 Jesus and the Crowd Ryan Poe Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Wed Bible Study Lesson_2_-_Christlike_Conversations.pptx Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_2_-_Ryan_Poe.mp3
07/20/16 Judges Lesson 2 Conditions in Israel-1:1-3:6 Marty Broadwell Bible Class Judges Wed Bible Study 02_Lesson_Judges-Conditions_in_Israel-MB.pptx 2016.07.20-Lesson_2_Conditions_in_Israel-Marty_Broadwell.mp3
07/17/16 L1 Introduction-Evangelizing Like Christ Ryan Poe Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Sun Bible Study Lesson_1_-_Christlike_Conversations.pptx 2016-07-17_Lesson_1_Evangelizing_Like_Jesus-Ryan_Poe2.mp3
07/17/16 Judges Lesson 1 Introduction and Overview Danny Haynes Bible Class Judges Sun Bible Study 2016.07.17-Lesson_1_Introduction_to_Judges-Danny_Haynes.mp3 01_Lesson_Judges_Introduction.pptx
07/17/16 Misson to the World Dave Hamlett Sermon Not of This World Sun PM Worship Mission_to_the_World-Dave_Hamlett.mp3 20160717_Mission_To_The_World_Theme_Lesson.pptx
07/17/16 Rearing Children in an Ungodly World Marty Broadwell Bible Class N/A College and Young Adult Wed_Invitation_-_Nate_Creekmore-07_2016.mp3 Rearing_Children_in_an_Ungodly_Land.pptx Rearing_Children_in_an_Ungodly_Land-Marty_Broadwell.mp3
07/10/16 Un movimiento radical Ben Hall Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship Un_movimiento_radical.mp3
07/10/16 Water Into Wine Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Water_To_Wine.pptx Water_Into_Wine_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/10/16 A Radical Movement Ben Hall Sermon Continuing the Kingdom Sun AM Worship Continuing_Kingdom_10_-_A_Movement.pptx A_Radical_Movement-Gospel_to_End_of_the_Earth-Ben_Hall.mp3
07/06/16 Stirring Up our Insight-2 Peter 3:1-18 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study Stand-Firm-Stir-Up-Lesson11.pptx 1st_and_2nd_Peter_Lesson_11-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/03/16 Contending for the Faith (Jude) Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Sun Bible Study Stand-Firm-Stir-Up-Lesson10.pptx 1st_and_2nd_Peter_Lesson_10_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/03/16 The 5 Words for Worship Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 5WordsforWorship.pptx The_5_Words_for_Worship_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/03/16 Mosted Hated Word - Authority Sewell Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Most_Hated_Word_-_Authority_-_Sewell_Hall.mp3
06/29/16 Stirring Up Pure Doctrine and Pure Living-2 Peter 2:1-22 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study Stand-Firm-Stir-Up-Lesson9.pptx 1st_and_2nd_Peter_Lesson_9_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
06/26/16 Lidiando con las diferencias doctrinales Ben Hall Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship Lidiando_con_las_diferencias_doctrinales.mp3
06/26/16 Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So Bill Sanchez Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Let_the_Redeemed_Say_So.pptx Let_the_Redeemed_of_the_Lord_Say_So_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
06/26/16 Stirring Up our Spiritual Growth 2 Peter 1:1-21 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Sun Bible Study Stand-Firm-Stir-Up-Lesson8.pptx 1st_and_2nd_Peter_Lesson_8_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
06/26/16 Dealing with Doctrinal Differences (Acts 15) Ben Hall Sermon Continuing the Kingdom Sun AM Worship Dealing_with_Doctrinal_Differences-Acts_15-Ben_Hall.mp3 Continuing_Kingdom_9_-_Dealing_with_Doctrinal_Differences_Acts_15.pptx
06/22/16 Introduction to 2 Peter and Jude Russ LaGrone Bible Class 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study I_and_II_Peter_Lesson_7_-_Auditorium_2016.pptx 1st_and_2nd_Peter_Lesson_7_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3
06/19/16 Living in a Broken World Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship OurBrokenWorld.pptx Living_in_a_Broken_World_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
06/19/16 Dangers of Self-Rightousness Russ LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Dangers_of_Self-Rightousness_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 Dangers_of_Self-Righteousness.pptx
06/15/16 Stand Firm in Zeal during Suffering 1 Peter 3:13-4:19 Phillip Shumake Bible Class 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude Wed Bible Study 1st_and_2nd_Peter_Lesson_5_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Stand-Firm-Stir-Up-Lesson5.pptx

Displaying 4151 - 4175 of 7688

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