All Audio Recordings

All Audio Recordings

Displaying 4126 - 4150 of 7688

Page 1 2 3 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 306 307 308

Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/21/16 The Temporary World Ben Hall Sermon Not of This World Sun PM Worship Temporary_World-Ben_Hall.mp3 8.21_-_NOTW_-_Temporary_World.pptx
08/21/16 Sharing Your Faith with Family Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Sharing_Your_Faith_with_Family-Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Sharing-Faith-EH.pptx
08/21/16 L11 Peter: Jesus and the Unworthy Ben Hall Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Sun Bible Study ELJ_-_EH_Auditorium_2016_-_11_-_Unworthy_Luke_5.pptx Evangelism_Like_Jesus-_Lesson_11_-_Ben_Hall.mp3
08/17/16 Judges Lesson 10 Samson Part 2 David Mast Bible Class Judges Wed Bible Study 2016.08.17_Lesson_10_Samson_2_David_Mast.mp3
08/17/16 L10 Nicodemus: Jesus and the Curious Ben Hall Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Wed Bible Study Evangelism_Like_Jesus-_Lesson_10_-_Ben_Hall.mp3 ELJ_-_EH_Auditorium_2016_-_10_-_Curious_John_3.pptx
08/14/16 Un Espíritu Ben Hall Sermones en Español N/A Sun AM Worship Un_Espiritu.mp3
08/14/16 Judges Lesson 9 Samson Part 1 David Mast Bible Class Judges Sun Bible Study 2016.08.14_Lesson_9_Samson_1_David_Mast.mp3
08/14/16 Infant Baptism Phillip Shumake Sermon Baptism Sun PM Worship Infant_Baptism-Phillip_Shumake.mp3 InfantBaptism-EH.pptx
08/14/16 One Spirit Ben Hall Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship One_Spirit-Ben_Hall.mp3 82_-_One_Spirit.pptx
08/14/16 L9 Demoniac's Father: Jesus and the Doubting Ben Hall Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Sun Bible Study Evangelism_Like_Jesus-_Lesson_9_-_Ben_Hall.mp3 ELJ_-_EH_Auditorium_2016_-_9_-_Doubting_Mark_9.pptx
08/10/16 Judges Lesson 8 Jephthah Ibzan Elon & Abdon Danny Haynes Bible Class Judges Wed Bible Study 2016.08.10_Lesson_8_Jephthah-Danny_Haynes.mp3 08_Lesson_Judges-Jephthah_Ibzan_Elon_Abdon.pptx
08/10/16 L8 Paralyzed Man: Jesus and the Determined Ryan Poe Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Wed Bible Study Lesson_8_-_Christlike_Conversations.pptx Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_8_-_Ryan_Poe.mp3
08/07/16 Judges Lesson 7 Abimelech Tola & Jair Danny Haynes Bible Class Judges Sun Bible Study 07_Lesson_Judges-Abimelech_Tola_Jair.pptx 2016.08.07_Lesson_7_Abimelech_Tola_Jair-Danny_Haynes.mp3
08/07/16 Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy Bill Sanchez Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Of_whom_the_world_was_not_world.pptx Of_Whom_the_World_Was_Not_Worthy_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
08/07/16 Jesus Feeds the 5000 Phillip Shumake Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Jesus_Feeds_the_5000-Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Jesus-5000.pptx
08/07/16 L7 Rich Young Ruler: Jesus and the Really Good Ryan Poe Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Sun Bible Study Lesson_7_-_Christlike_Conversations.pptx Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_7_-_Ryan_Poe.mp3
08/03/16 Judges Lesson 6 Gideon Part 2 Danny Haynes Bible Class Judges Wed Bible Study 2016.08.03_Lesson_6_Judges_Gideon_2-Danny_Haynes.MP3.mp3 06_Lesson_Judges-Gideon_Part_2.pptx
08/03/16 L6 Demoniac: Jesus and the Messed Up Ryan Poe Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Wed Bible Study Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_6_-_Ryan_Poe.mp3 Lesson_6_-_Christlike_Conversations.pptx
07/31/16 L5 Samaritan Woman: Jesus and the Thirsty Cont. Ben Hall Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Sun Bible Study Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_5_-_Ben_Hall.mp3 ELJ_-_EH_Auditorium_2016_-_4_-_Thirsty_John_4_PART_II.pptx
07/31/16 Chapter 5 and Lesson 5 Gideon Part 1 6:1-27 Danny Haynes Bible Class Judges Sun Bible Study 2016.07.31-Lesson_5_Judges_Chap_5_and_Gideon-Danny_Haynes.mp3 05_Lesson_Judges-Gideon_Part_1.pptx
07/31/16 One Body Ben Hall Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship One_Body_-_Ben_Hall.mp3
07/31/16 Words of Jesus on the Cross Phillip Shumake Sermon Lord's Supper Sun AM Worship WordsOnTheCross-EH.pptx Words_of_Jesus_on_Cross-Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/27/16 L4 Samaritan Woman: Jesus and the Thirsty Ben Hall Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Wed Bible Study Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_4_-_Ben_Hall.mp3 ELJ_-_EH_Auditorium_2016_-_4_-_Thirsty_John_4.pptx
07/27/16 Judges Lesson 4 - Deborah and Barak Ch 4 to 5 Danny Haynes Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 04_Lesson_Judges-Deborah_and_Barak.pptx 20160727_Danny_Haynes_-_Judges4-DeborahBarak.mp3
07/24/16 L3 Jesus and the Outsiders Ben Hall Bible Class Evangelizing Like Christ Sun Bible Study Lesson_2_-_Christlike_Conversations-1470579352.pptx Evangelism_Like_Jesus_-_Lesson_3_-_Ben_Hall.mp3

Displaying 4126 - 4150 of 7688

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