All Sermons

All Sermons

Displaying 176 - 200 of 3718

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/10/23 Anxiety and the Kingdom Bi-Lingual Bill Sanchez N/A Sun PM Worship Anxiety_and_the_Kingdom_BIL.pptx Anxiety_and_the_Kingdom_-_BIll_Sanchez_Bilingual.mp3
09/10/23 Predestined by God Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship Predestined_by_God_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Predestinatioin-Sermon-Final.pptx
09/06/23 Healing in the church Blake Edwards N/A Wed Bible Study Continued_Healing_within_Our_Church.pptx Healing_in_the_church_-_Blaine_Edwards.mp3
09/03/23 Rechabites Marty Broadwell N/A Sun PM Worship Rechabites_Sermon_Overheads_-_3_Sep_2023_-_PM_E_Hills.pptx Rechabites_Marty_Broadwell.mp3
09/03/23 Am I Listening? Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship Am_I_listening.pptx Am_I_Listening_-_Bill_Sanchez.mp3
08/27/23 The Foreknowledge of God Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship Foreknowledge-Final.pptx The_ForeKnowledge_of_God_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
08/20/23 Continuing in the Things You Have Learned Phillip Shumake Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship L12-Vessels-Continue.pptx Continuing_in_the_Things_You_Have_Learned_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
08/20/23 Our God is a Consuming Fire Larry Brown N/A Sun AM Worship Our_God_is_a_Consuming_Fire_-_Larry_Brown.mp3 Our_God_is_a_Consuming_Fire_08.20.2023.pptx
08/16/23 Deuteronomy: Social Laws Part 2 (Dt 24:1-26:19) L08 Michael Peters Deuteronomy Wed Bible Study 2023.08.16_Deuteronomy_L08_Michael_Peters.mp3
08/13/23 Finding Comfort in Jesus (John 11) Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Sun PM Worship Jesus_and_Lazarus.pptx Finding_Comfort_in_Jesus_Roger_Polanco.mp3
08/13/23 Healing in Jesus (John 5) Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Sun AM Worship Jesus-Paralytic_man_.pptx Jesus_Heals_the_Paralytic_-_Roger_Polanco.mp3
08/12/23 The New Birth (John 3) Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting New_Birth.pptx The_New_Birth_-_Roger_Palanco.mp3
08/12/23 Jesus and the Samaritan Women (John 4) Roger Polanco Finding Life in Jesus Gospel Meeting Jesus-Samaritan_woman.potx Jesus_and_the_Samaritan_Woman_-_Roger_Palanco.mp3
08/06/23 The Preaching of Jeremiah Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship The_Preaching_of_Jeremiah_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Preaching-of-Jeremiah.pptx
08/06/23 A Light to the Gentiles Bill Sanchez N/A Sun AM Worship A_Light_to_the_Gentiles_Bill_Sanchez.mp3 A_continued_light_to_the_gentiles.pptx
07/30/23 The Longest Day Russ LaGrone Lord's Supper Sun AM Worship The_Longest_Day_-_Russ_LaGrone.mp3 The_Longest_Day.pptx
07/23/23 Why Rip Your Robe? Dennis Allan N/A Sun PM Worship Why_Rip_Your_Robes_-_Dennis_Allan.mp3 Why_Rip_Your_Robe_16x10.pptx
07/23/23 God´s Holy People Dennis Allan N/A Sun AM Worship God_s_Holy_People_Dennis_Allan.mp3 Gods_Holy_People_16x10.pptx
07/16/23 Vessels for Honor: Correcting With Gentleness (2 Timothy 2:24-26) Phillip Shumake Vessels for Honor 2022-2023 Theme 2 Timothy 2:21 Sun PM Worship Correcting_with_Gentleness_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 L11-Vessels-Gentleness.pptx
07/16/23 Old Testament vs New Testament Hebrews Sewell Hall N/A Sun AM Worship OT_vs_NT_-_Hebrews.mp3 EH_OT_vs_NT_Hebrews.pptx
07/12/23 Living a Holy Life: Patience L11 Phillip Shumake N/A Wed Bible Study Living_a_Holy_Life_-_Lesson_11-_Patience_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Holy-Life-L10-Patience.pptx
07/09/23 The Way of Balaam Phillip Shumake N/A Sun PM Worship The_Way_of_Balaam_-_Phillip_Shumake.mp3 Balaam.pptx
07/09/23 What's Next John 14 Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Worship Whats_Next_John_14.pptx What_is_Next_Phillip_Shumake.mp3
07/02/23 Joining a Local Church Marty Broadwell N/A Sun PM Worship Joining_a_Local_Church_Marty_Broadwell.mp3 Joining_a_Local_church_-_2023.pptx
07/02/23 The Work of Unity Dustin Merkle N/A Sun AM Worship The_Work_of_Unity.pptx Unity_-_Dustin_Merkle.mp3

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